Step 1 Sole Source New team HARDCORE HOTTIES!!!

MissAma-there's more than 6 of us here and I don't think we want to split up and compete.We've got a nice little group going here and we all know that some weeks we don't lose much and some weeks we lose loads.I think we'd rather just support each other.If anyone wants to compete in weight loss they can join the challenges.

Dragondrop and MissJX-course you can IF you're 100% committed and not planning any days off or cheats :) The more the merrier :)
I've had a funny kind of day-only just on my second shake which is really late even for me.Drunk lots as usual.Went to work.Bought some pet food. Had a date.Made the kids some dinner....OMG I went on a date!!!! You have no idea how earth shattering this is for me...I've been single 18 months and not even been for a coffee with anyone.Best part is he's 13 years younger and wants to meet up again!LOL.Sooo glad I lost that stone to begin with :)

So...very late ***question of the day***

What's been the biggest difference in age for you?

I have dated a man 13 years younger than me previously(6 years ago) so I find it quite bizarre that it's the same age difference again. My previous ex was 9.5 years younger.
Woooooo hey Slim! A Date.. Lucky you! Hope it's the start of something good! I'm a single parent to a 12 yr old and have only had 2 boyfriends in that time. I'm a nurse and never go out so it's no surprise I don't meet anyone! Dedicated last 12 yrs to son and now out of practice! Tried plenty of fish but too many weirdos! Ha ha I live in hope:) .. Now then, I'm on day 4. Really grumpy day today, used the extra big needles on the patients to make me feel better! THEN I had to come home and cook certain foods for my child! This was torture!! Did I mention... TORTURE!! Ha ha Took my 2 bichons up the Fells....covered in mud so washed them, then one was sick on my carpet , then washed the 2 kittens ( they weren't keen) and now washing machine has broke!! Arghhh.. Just had my last shake. Love this forum as everyone is so determined! I must admit to a faux pax... I know we not allowed to mention food so I will describe... If your name was Mr Murray.... It rhymes with sint and I stupidly forgot it had sugar in it!!! Silly me.. Hope you all are well and enjoying Saturday thinking about a Saturday in the future when you will be slipping on your slinky black dress ( apart from Scott! ) ha ha xxx
Hurrah for your date!!! :D I've had 2 boyfriends since I had my daughter (she is 5 1/2 and I split with ehr dad when she was 12 weeks). First I met when she was 18 months and dated until Sept 2011. Second I met in July last year and finally dumped in early November. Right now the idea of being with someone just doesn't appeal in the slightest. Probably a good thing, men make me fat!

Biggest age gap? Not massive, 9 years older and 3 years younger. Although I shamefully lost my virginity to a much older man - about 20 years older.

Just on my third shake - would have wanted to hang on a bit later really but came over a bit dizzy, so thought I would have it now!

Oh, went to Tesco earlier. Haven't weighed myself since Monday when I saw Consultant. Popped to the loo and they had one of those electric scales that give you the print out. Well... I just couldn't resist! Stepped on, put my 50p in... and it swallowed my money!!!!! I am taking this as a sign that I am not meant to weigh in between official weigh ins!
Seven years older for me, was quite a while ago tho.
I am a student nurse fatgirlslim and getting skinny for my grad ball in August. Do you do 12 hour shifts? Xx
Oh and total hair dye disaster! I have been dying my hair since I was 14 and never had a disaster! But it is months (shamefully) since I last did it. I stuck a red colour on...and now I have lovely dark ends, and 3 inches of neon red roots!!!! ARGHHHHHHH. Bought a darker colour which I will put on tomorrow to the roots first. Arse. Going to end up with green hair at this rate :/ Neon red would be fine, if it was the full length of my hair, but it;s just the roots
Oh and total hair dye disaster! I have been dying my hair since I was 14 and never had a disaster! But it is months (shamefully) since I last did it. I stuck a red colour on...and now I have lovely dark ends, and 3 inches of neon red roots!!!! ARGHHHHHHH. Bought a darker colour which I will put on tomorrow to the roots first. Arse. Going to end up with green hair at this rate :/ Neon red would be fine, if it was the full length of my hair, but it;s just the roots

Oops. I think we're going to need a picture. ;)
Trying to add a pic but it always rotates it for some reason! Will stick it on tinypic then add it!


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I've had a funny kind of day-only just on my second shake which is really late even for me.Drunk lots as usual.Went to work.Bought some pet food. Had a date.Made the kids some dinner....OMG I went on a date!!!! You have no idea how earth shattering this is for me...I've been single 18 months and not even been for a coffee with anyone.Best part is he's 13 years younger and wants to meet up again!LOL.Sooo glad I lost that stone to begin with :)

So...very late ***question of the day***

What's been the biggest difference in age for you?

I have dated a man 13 years younger than me previously(6 years ago) so I find it quite bizarre that it's the same age difference again. My previous ex was 9.5 years younger.

OOOH! Congratulations on the date! Hope you had a good time!

Ten years older than me. My mother was scandalised at the time. :D
No dragon... I work on drs surgery but am doing winter hours! Double pay so not too bad! How's your training going? Dear all, when I go into my profile it says permission denied How can I upload a photo? Thank yous all x
No dragon... I work on drs surgery but am doing winter hours! Double pay so not too bad! How's your training going? Dear all, when I go into my profile it says permission denied How can I upload a photo? Thank yous all x

Think you need 50 posts to be able do anything like that.
Ah Starlit, that's not so bad! (You should see what I was imagining!! :D). At least it's not orange!
Ha that is true. Will see how it looks in the morning before doing anything about it
Well.. It's happened for a reason and it's definately his loss! Wait til you reach your goal and bump into him again! Just walk on by with a flick of the hair..:)
Oh. :( Grrrr. Don't go to bed! Stay here with us instead - we're much better company anyway! What colour did you do your nails?