Restart 3/9/2013
Ok feeling better than I did earlier. I was struggling so much earlier. No idea why at all. Had my first shake at 9am, which is unheard of for me - normally hold out to lunch time before having my first. Put plans in place in my head to stay on track - decided I could have 4 shakes today if that is what gets me through the day, or I could have an ss+ day as long as I did it to the letter... Anyway, it's now 6.15pm and I feel fine. Choc tetra at 9am, Porridge at 1, loads and loads of water. Don't think I have had any caffeine today and think that might be part of the problem! Just had a huge mug of Bouillion (wish I could spell that word!!!) and I feel absolutely fine
Going to have my 3rd and final shake about 8pm once I have the child in bed, and that's it for the day - another 100% day crossed off!
Beck Diet Solution is definitely helping me keep the sabotaging thoughts at bay
Beck Diet Solution is definitely helping me keep the sabotaging thoughts at bay