Step 1 Sole Source New team HARDCORE HOTTIES!!!

Meh, I always seem to slow down a bit when I am approaching a barrier I need to break through. Right now I have 2 big ones right in front of me (and I'm not talking about my boobs fnar fnar) - getting to under 20st, and losing more than 67lb, which is how much I lost first time round. Just double checked and I only actually need to lose 5lb to get to under 20st, and 7lb to beat my previous loss of 67lb...

I guess I just kind of had my hopes up that I would break through the 5st barrier before I went away on 4th April. Think I can forget that now!!!

Going back to SS to see if it will boost my loss after my 810 week. If it doesn't then I guess I am just as well doing 810 if it is going to produce the same losses as SS! Urgh. Am I thin yet? lol

Did my measurements yesterday, that gave me a little boost.

I know I can do this, would just like it to come off a teeny tiny bit quicker please!!!!!!!

I think you still might break through the 5st barrier. :) It's only 10 pounds away and you're due a big loss.

Are you doing vanilla SS/810? I can't remember if you're doing the version with milk. If it's the version without, then on average (having done a few quick sums around your calorie deficit) you ought to be looking at 4-5lbs a week. In which case, you're definitely owed a big loss!

I'll do a recount if you're having milk (if you are, how much is it?).

Anyway, well done on your 3lbs! :clap:
How weird, I remember you posting a while back that you were at 5000, what's gone on? I wonder if a thread has been deleted somewhere?

That's possible. I hadn't thought of that!
I thought I'd found my answer to tiredness on nightshift. Monster do a zero version of their lovely caffeine in a can, but high up on the list of ingredients, second only to carbonated water is good old citric acid :( So there must be a substantial amount of the stuff in there, back to the drawing board. Pro Plus tablets look to be the most appealing now, just can't stomach black coffee.
No not doing milk - not a milk fan at all! Back to sole source tomorrow - 3 shakes on normal days, 4 shakes on exercise days. Think I need more water. Also need more dulcolax as I ran out a couple of days ago - bah!

Been hunched over my desk all day today. Back is giving me grief this evening as a result! Hospital tomorrow for yucky nerve tests - double bah
Hospital did not go well. Basically ulnar nerve is f*cked. Surgeon next month but nerve may be beyond repair.
Hello peeps. Got a question for you!

Popped on scale after morning get up wee. Popped on an hour later after my pint of coffee and food, had been to the loo again and I'm down, yes down, 2lbs! How is that possible?
No clue Nikki, just go with it :)

So every so often I have a little trawl through a certain dating site just to see what's out there. All I can say is that I'm better off single, because pretty much every profile shows a torso shot of a hard bodied male. Those that don't have their tops off are generally only 2 foot tall.

While this is all very nice to look at, I'm in no shape to attempt to date a man who spends so much time buffing himself up! It's actually fairly terrifying, I like my men on the larger side, but not with a rock solid body. I don't stand a freaking chance if this is all that's on offer these days. There are no tall men in my area, and all the nice looking tall men are either hundreds of miles away or have their hard bodies on display.

So I shall remain up on this dusty shelf for a while longer. I must be a total weirdo for not wanting a gym bodied man.... Where are all the normal men? Oh relationships already :(



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No clue Nikki, just go with it :)

So every so often I have a little trawl through a certain dating site just to see what's out there. All I can say is that I'm better off single, because pretty much every profile shows a torso shot of a hard bodied male. Those that don't have their tops off are generally only 2 foot tall.

While this is all very nice to look at, I'm in no shape to attempt to date a man who spends so much time buffing himself up! It's actually fairly terrifying, I like my men on the larger side, but not with a rock solid body. I don't stand a freaking chance if this is all that's on offer these days. There are no tall men in my area, and all the nice looking tall men are either hundreds of miles away or have their hard bodies on display.

So I shall remain up on this dusty shelf for a while longer. I must be a total weirdo for not wanting a gym bodied man.... Where are all the normal men? Oh relationships already :(

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And you have to wonder, if they're really that buff, why are they on dating sites?? Or is it that they're pumped up on so many roids, their testerone levels through the roof, that one woman isn't enough and they feel the need to advertise for another? P'raps they keep breaking their women. :D (and not in a good way ;)).

I am sure there are some great men out there, Sal. But finding them seems to be pretty tricky. :sigh: I'm not attracted to gym-bodied men either, so I don't think you're a weirdo (if you are, then so am I!)
Hospital did not go well. Basically ulnar nerve is f*cked. Surgeon next month but nerve may be beyond repair.

Oh dear :( Here's hoping there's something that can be done. Hugs :hug99:
Hello peeps. Got a question for you!

Popped on scale after morning get up wee. Popped on an hour later after my pint of coffee and food, had been to the loo again and I'm down, yes down, 2lbs! How is that possible?

Coffee acted as a diuretic, made your body drop water? Just a guess.

Still, at least that worked out for you. Have you ever had the experience of weighing in first thing in the morning after a wee, going back to bed again, then getting back on the scales later that morning (after having another wee and not having eaten or drunk anything) and finding you weigh more. I mean really, WTF?? It hasn't happened in a while, but I've seen it and I know I'm not alone!

Scales. :rolleyes:
I'm a little bit worried. I took Dulcolax early this afternoon. Usually when I do that, the delightful cramping kicks in around 5-6 hours later (the plan was for it to do the job before I went to bed). But it's now midnight and nothing's happened. I've got another of those focus group sessions to lead tomorrow afternoon. I hope to God the bl**dy stuff kicks in before I have to leave for London... :eek: I really don't want to have to deal with the results of Dulcolax on a train. Or worse, while standing in front of a group of strangers!!!
Oh god Lily I hope it kicked in before you set off. I hate taking any kind of laxatives because I find them so unpredictable, even movicol has been known to send me dashing to the bathroom. Unfortunately needs must sometimes.
Oh god Lily I hope it kicked in before you set off. I hate taking any kind of laxatives because I find them so unpredictable, even movicol has been known to send me dashing to the bathroom. Unfortunately needs must sometimes.

It did, thank goodness! Thought I'd better take something cos there'd been no movement (literally ;)) in that department since last Wednesday. :eek:

Better get my reward on the scales tomorrow! :cross:
So how's Cazza this morning? Hope you got some sleep after your horrible day yesterday :hug99:
Eventually. Tired today though! Solicitor later, argh. Did df come for a visit yet?
Eventually. Tired today though! Solicitor later, argh. Did df come for a visit yet?
Yes, thank goodness!

Now on a very slow moving train to London. It's just taken 20 minutes to go 10 miles. Grrr.

Hope things go well at the solicitor's with your industrial injury claim. :cross:
How the solicitor goes well Caz, it's about time you had some good news.

Inspired by watching OCD cleaners last night I decided to clean my oven. The glass on the door is disgusting so I've figured while I'm not using it any time soon I should take the time to get it clean! I'm ashamed to say I found two lumps of charcoal at the bottom of the oven. I have no idea what these were in a previous life.


But they've gone in the bin now! I've tried with Cilit Bang and that's a load of rubbish so I've resorted to my Nana's fail safe of baking soda and vinegar.

Anything in an attempt to avoid eating. Although the smell of vinegar does make me want F&C's :eek:

I have to leave it bubbling away for half an hour so I've made a cuppa and come into the living room to re-evaluate what the heck I'm playing at diet wise. I'll report back later.


2 hours later the oven is as clean as its ever going to get, my nails are trashed and I stink of vinegar. My life is so dull! :(


Scummy filth


Clean glass


As clean as I can get it.
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Good job there Sally! Mine needs doing. I use mr muscle. I do it twice. Our ovens look the same.
Solicitor was good thanks. Really took it out of me though, the last couple of days have been a bit harrowing! Need to approach a former colleague about whether she would be prepared to produce a witness statement or not. Bricking it! Was so exhausted by everything that I went to bed before 9 last night. Slept dreadfully - was up from about midnight until just before 4, then woke up again at 6. I shall be good for nothing today. Scales showing 1lb off though - wow.
My shoulder is killing me! I can't believe cleaning the sodding oven has put me in so much pain. I had tons to do today but haven't done any of it because I can't drive. The only way I can raise my right arm is to lift it with my left hand, it's like the muscle refuses to work :(

I've come to the conclusion I have a serious addiction to the brown stuff in the purple wrapper. It's all I've thought about all day, that and legal SS+ food. But I'm trying so hard not to deviate from SS.

I've spent a lot of time today just thinking....
I've found myself wondering what the point is? I'm lazy and I'm fed up with having to work so hard to make progress. I'm not saying I'm giving up, but I do feel like it. I feel like I'm missing out on things, meals out with work and family, and I just feel like this is never ending. I know I could be a whole lot further on in this process has I not gone off the rails and I've only got myself to blame.

Truth is I'm actually scared of failing. I'm scared that I'll get to my goal weight again and pile it all back on as soon as I re-introduce food. I'm scared that I'll prove all the critics right, all the people that have told me I should stop doing cd and eat sensibly and exercise more. I'm also scared that when I'm at my goal weight I'll still hate my body to the point where I won't let anyone see it. This is actually probably my biggest fear. My body image problems can't be fixed by losing weight I don't think, I think they'll just be replaced with being self-conscious of looking like I've melted. Aaaargh too much time on my hands.

I want to be thin and I'm just struggling with the time it's going to take and how deprived I feel getting there. Sorry long post, but I'm feeling sorry for myself.