Sorry I've been MIA - work stuff got in the way yesterday and I ended up bringing it home to finish off, grrr. So no R&R on MiniMins for me, boo. Still, it paid off - the presentation I helped give this morning went well and the rest of the week hasn't got anything too grim in it (not yet, anyway... ).
So, it's day 14 - go me! Never thought I was ever going to manage 14 days of 100% SS again - but I have and I'm dead proud of myself.

Anyone restarting, even if it's for the umpteenth time - go back to basics. Don't kid yourself that you know how to tweak this diet. Tweaks nearly always lead to failure eventually. Hardcore really is the way to go - nothing except what it says in the plan and lots of water.
Lecture over.
I do have something weird going on though. Delicate subject this but what the hell, it's not like poo problems don't come up as a regular problem on this diet. Only... I'm not constipated. It's gone rather the other way...

I honestly don't understand this - I'm never normally affected this way by the shakes. The funny thing is, it happened last week then went away over the weekend - but then came back halfway through Monday. So maybe it's something to do with what I do differently at work?? Can't think what though. Yesterday I was starting to wonder whether it was the water from the water fountain - but I haven't been into my usual office today and it still happened. So I'm starting to wonder if it's tetras, cos I didn't have any of those of the weekend. But tetras have never affected me like this before.

The only other thing (and it feels like a long shot) is that this time around I'm on fluoxetine (things got a bit too rough before Christmas and I finally gave in medication, despite not wanting to go there). The fluoxetine have made me feel so much better - I feel like my old self again - but one of the less common side effects is... (you've guessed it). But I didn't have that problem before Christmas when I was eating real food. Maybe it's something to do with having so much liquid sloshing around. I'm not knocking it exactly - it makes a nice change from constipation

- but it's a mite inconvenient. I didn't dare drink too much this morning before the presentation in case I had to rush out, LOL (so I'm glugging water now to make up for it).
Puzzling. Again, sorry for the TMI. It could just be a bug of some kind I suppose.