New to Cambridge Diet

Hi guys,

Have been reading this forum with great interest over the past couple of weeks.

I am starting the cambridge diet tomorrow and any support or hints on how to get through the first few days would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Caroline

Lovely to meet you.

Good luck tomorrow, best advice is to take it hour by hour. Keep drinking loads of water (don't venture too far from the loo!) Take paracetamol if you get a carb withdrawal head ache and be sure to drink coffee (if you usually do) so you don't have a double whammy of withdrawal symptoms!

Mixing the packs to your liking can take a bit of practice. If you have soup then it's best to mix the pack with a bit of cold water to form a paste before adding hot water (just off the boil) and stir and stir and stir. The shakes are best when whizzed in a blender (I have a Magic Bullet) I also enjoy my shakes mixed with a black coffee in a large mug; not the fruity flavours obviously! Enjoy:)

Keep us posted on your progress.
I agree with everything Cheb says. Water is the key and taking the diet a day at a time even an hour at a time when the going is tough. How much do you want to lose.
Irene xx
Hi welcome and good luck, once you are used to mixing your drinks im sure you will be fine. Some people dilute there drinks more to make them more enjoyable, like myself.
Drink plenty of water ......! Helps with dehydration
I mix my drinks with a hand blender, makes them just right.

Good luck and keep us posted on your progress, any worries etc we are all here to help you.
Hi Caroline,
agree with all the good advice. From another tangent think about how you will look after yourself if you feel tired or nibbly. Plan some non-food treats for yourself. Buy a few good magazines, some nice bubble bath, a new CD...whatever feels a treat and you can dip into if you feel things are tough. I like to have a treat basket with a few fav things in it to reach out for if I need usually includes nail varnish coz its hard to nibble with wet nails !

Thankyou so much for your replies. I am really nervous about this diet, but luckily have loads to do over the next few days. Hoping this wil help me avoid the fridge and cupboard.

I will let you know how I get on, but thankyou for your support
Hi Caroline,

Welcome to Minimins:D

Just wanted to come and wish you all the very best on your diet journey - as you have been told...drink plenty of water, take it a minute at a time and find plenty of distractions.

The shakes and soups do take a while to get used to. You will find that there are certain flavours that you like and some you can't stomach. I personally survive on choc, choc mint and oriental chilli.

Good luck and if you need any help or just need to chat, come on here and someone will be there for you.
Just wishing you all the luck in the world for your diet- sorry the first shake was a shock, but it does get better!

My tip for soups is to do them in the microwave (if one is available). Powder plus cold water to taste, in the microwave for a minute, stir well then another 1.5-2 mins- watch it though as they can boil over! Doing it this way seems to get rid of all the lumps really well.

Also, a lot of people on Cambridge split some of their packs in two, especially at the start of the diet so that they can eat little and often- sometimes the distance between each pack can seem very long- until you are in ketosis that is!

:) Hi,

Don't worry about your first shake, have you got a blender, hand whisk, etc. as I think they taste disgusting otherwise. I have also got a sports type drink container, so I can mix them at work or on the go, it has a special plastic 'grid' at the top of the cup, that helps get rid of lumps as you shake.

Try a different flavour, I don't like any of the soups, or like my shakes hot. I hate Fruits of the Forest and Winter Spice, not very keen on peanut or cranberry bars. But I know from reading the posts we are all different, its just a case of trial and error.

You are on your way now, so you can do it.
Hi Caroline

Hope your first day is going ok, sorry you didn't like your first shake. I think we aquire a taste for them and making sure they're really blended well makes a difference. My hubby puts plenty of ice in the blender and less water, he prefers them that way. I actually never have them as shakes but always take mine as a frothy flavoured coffee or as a mousse (don't think you can have mix a mousse till week 2)

Keep experimenting and I'm sure you'll soon find flavours that you enjoy and a method of mixing that works for you.

Don't forget to keep on drinking plenty of water........
Hi Guys,

Thankyou so much for all the support. This is the best step I have ever taken towards losing weight. Have just had my second shake and it was no where near as bad as the first.
Hey Caroline! Glad to hear things are looking up on the shake front!!

The packs can taste a bit weird for while - it's possible that you are tasting the vits and minerals. A lot of people are deficient at the start and this causes a funny taste. Hopefully thats all it is and you'll learn to like them (love is a bit strong!!;))

Get through the next couple of days and you'll be burning fat and the hunger will pretty much stop!

good luck!!! xx
Hi Caroline

Well done for making a start along the CD road - and here's hoping your third shake taste even better than the last two combined! :) Actually .. believe it or not, after a while you actually start to look forward to them - or was that just me? :rolleyes:

Good luck for the rest of your first day - keep us posted how you're getting on!
Hi Guys,

Really appreciate all of your support. I am absolutley amazed that it is nearly 5pm and I have not eaten anything all day, even after going food shopping and cooking for my son. Worried about the rest of the week though as I can feel a headache starting already.

Your support does keep me determined to continue though as I know if I can get past 1st week I will be okay
Hi Caroline, How are you today?? Hope the headache has eased, paracetomol and water does the trick usually, and loads of sleep!

How you doing on the shakes front?? I remember my first one, could have cried, and then thrown it all up!!! Took me a while, but when I discovered chocolate mint I thought my prayers had been answered!! Hot/cold whatever, mmmmmm!