I am the same, wish it would just happen quick, even though this is one of the quickest ways to lose it it still feels slow! I saw a post somewhere talking about only losing a pound will try and find a link, it really made sense xx
Are you drinking lots? My cambridge lady started losing weight slower after a good start so she started drinking 4+ litres and going to the toilet more and it kick started her weight loss again...might be worth a go? I try and drink about 4 each day x
How's everyone getting on? I had a meal last week... It was planned though and was going to be last meal with other half as he was going away for Xmas and new year but work have cancelled going away now...oh well, I got straight back to it though and doing extra exercise and drinking more to try and make up for it.got my weigh in on Thursday but missed a week last week as was away. X
Hey you!! How's it going? Had weigh in on sat lost 3 pounds yay x how come your not going away now?
Got a night out this Friday and next Friday so going to be a little naughty lol xxx
Well done! That's brilliant...do you think the water helped? I drank 5 litres off the stuff yesterday! Jon and I went away at the end of last week for our shopping trip to Kent and London but because he was meant to be going to Romania to work for 8 weeks over Xmas and new year, we had a meal together but his work have postponed it now which is good but wish I hadn't had a meal I hope I still lose something this week. I don't feel like I have but I did have to buy smaller jeans at the weekend as mine were falling down! Yippee! X
Thank you x I really do think it has helped ever since I've been drinking more I've found I need the toilet more and that can only be a good thing lol!!
That's brilliant news that he doesn't need to go away x but I know what you mean about the meal I'm sure you'll have a great loss this week it was only the one meal and not a whole week x
That is amazing news you must be so chuffed :-D !!! Go on you !! Massive well done!!!!!! Xxx
Yes that's what my councillor said...because drinking and going to the loo it gets rid of glycerin which means your liver has to use more fat which is stored x if it works then great...x
Haha! I know, i may as well move my desk into the toilet!
It's going well, I've been hungry but been going on my exercise bike morning and night. I've got my Xmas meal next Friday but having chicken salad...mmmm nice! Not exactly turkey with all the trimmings is it!? Oh well not long til Xmas day and then I will have a proper meal. Are you looking forward to going out?x
Lmao I know the feeling my manager thinks I should move in to the toilet I spend most of my shift in there!!! Lmao!!! Wow well done on the exercise front!!! That's fab you doing that I haven't even started thinking of exercise as of yet!! Should do really maybe for the new year x
That's the thing with Xmas parties its all about food and drink but well done on the healthy choices it is a bummer though!! But worth it in the end :-D x
I'm really looking forward to my nights out just want this Friday and next Friday to come !!!! I'm coming off plan for those nights as just want to let my hair down for a bit xxx
Omg well done that is amazing!!!!! Well done you!!!
I have had to come off cd for a while was taken into hospital this week so have to put weight loss on hold for a while :-( x I'll still be on here though checking on how your doing xxx