Hi all
How's your gran Milliesmummy?
Wow, well done on your fab loss blades4life, that's great!
I never buy lean mince. I dry fry my mince and then rinse in boiling water to get rid of the grease or if I'm making burgers/kebab, I cook on a rack so the fat can drain. It doesn't affect the taste as I use different herbs and spices depending on what I'm making, it's just not greasy and a damn sight cheaper lol.
Sorry you gained ailibop and Newtaly, although they're not huge gains.
How are you feeling now ailibop? Personally I find chinese the easiest restaurant meal/takeaway food to have on sw as there are a few sw friendly dishes.
Newtaly, I think having treats helps to stay on track. If I want something and don't have it then I just want it more lol. Glad you had a nice weekend.
I'm having a so so week food wise. I could have been a bit better but hopefully it won't affect my loss. I had an interview and got the job (despite going for the interview a day early to start with! Lmao) which was a major confidence boost as I've been at home with the kids for the last 7.5yrs and I've felt a bit lost since they're all in full time school now.
Hope you all have a good week

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