New to slimming world


New Member
Hi all ..... I am 44 and had a stroke and now I have so much pain in my hip from autheritis.....I have hit a rock bottom as most addictions include as part of the package lol thank God!
I joined slimming wold last Thursday so I am hoping I lose something this week...I was lacking motivation but i got a very healthy shop yesterday and I am looking forward to eating healthy and losing pounds each week....... I don't have Facebook so thought this site looked good to meetc some other happy slimmers... so nice to meetc you all
Hi Lorraine, nice to meet you! Everyone here is super friendly and helpful, I'm sure you'll enjoy being here. Look forward to seeing you around :)
Hi, how's your first week going? When is your first weigh in? The first weeks (I've started SW a few times) were always quite tough as it was a big change to what I normally ate, some find the first week the best and lose loads, but I remember being in group and only losing 1/2 lb and the SW consultant said I must never have stuck to it but I had done my best, and I remember it demotivating me. Got better this last time as I'm in a totally new mind set, been doing it about 4 weeks.

Best of luck, lots of resources on here :)