likes vw's!
Maynie - 10 hours - 2 hr 20 minutes done
Pesty - 10 hours - 50 mins done
Happy Hippo - 10 hrs - 29mins done
Joshearing - 15 hours - 30 mins done
10st10lbs - 10 hours - 0 done
cantstopgaining - 10 hours
Dizzydelly - 8 hours - 2 hour 2 min done
Sammii - 20 hours - 5 hours done
Katie_Victoria - 6 hours
Motherof2 - 10 hours - 0 hrs done
1 hour 1 min done today.
Just watching biggest loser oz and I will never complain about doing the wii ever again!!! :8855:
Pesty - 10 hours - 50 mins done
Happy Hippo - 10 hrs - 29mins done
Joshearing - 15 hours - 30 mins done
10st10lbs - 10 hours - 0 done
cantstopgaining - 10 hours
Dizzydelly - 8 hours - 2 hour 2 min done
Sammii - 20 hours - 5 hours done
Katie_Victoria - 6 hours
Motherof2 - 10 hours - 0 hrs done
1 hour 1 min done today.
Just watching biggest loser oz and I will never complain about doing the wii ever again!!! :8855: