tara40 -8hrs- 0 so far
ditzeeblonde 12hrs - 2hrs 35 mins so far
Katie_Victoria - 6hrs - 0 so far - 20 mins so far
Motherof2 - 8hrs - 40 mins so far
nicolaann - 12 hours- 5hrs 1 mins so far
Maynie - 8hrs - 3 hrs 51 mins so far
losingme - 10hrs - 0 hr 5 min so far
Smirky - 8hrs - 1 hrs 40 mins so far
Emsie-4 hours 0 mins so far
StacieG - 10hrs - 0 hrs 0 mins so far
Roz - 8 hrs - 40 mins so far
Lucky Cat - 31hrs - 11hrs 16 mins so far
Leliel - 14hrs - 3 hrs done so far
X_ali_X - 8 hrs
Ria. - no target - 50 minutes done so far
30 minutes and 241 calories today. I did the Island Lap Jogging again.
Seeing how much you manage to do in a day makes me feel I should make more effort Lucky Cat! I know I couldn't keep that up though. Are you planning on sticking to that level of exercise forever or just until you've reached target?
ditzeeblonde 12hrs - 2hrs 35 mins so far
Katie_Victoria - 6hrs - 0 so far - 20 mins so far
Motherof2 - 8hrs - 40 mins so far
nicolaann - 12 hours- 5hrs 1 mins so far
Maynie - 8hrs - 3 hrs 51 mins so far
losingme - 10hrs - 0 hr 5 min so far
Smirky - 8hrs - 1 hrs 40 mins so far
Emsie-4 hours 0 mins so far
StacieG - 10hrs - 0 hrs 0 mins so far
Roz - 8 hrs - 40 mins so far
Lucky Cat - 31hrs - 11hrs 16 mins so far
Leliel - 14hrs - 3 hrs done so far
X_ali_X - 8 hrs
Ria. - no target - 50 minutes done so far
30 minutes and 241 calories today. I did the Island Lap Jogging again.
Seeing how much you manage to do in a day makes me feel I should make more effort Lucky Cat! I know I couldn't keep that up though. Are you planning on sticking to that level of exercise forever or just until you've reached target?