~new wii fit challenge - super hula hoop~

just for you, hypocrite ;) 320. NER NER NER NEEEEEER NEEER!

How many spins can you manage on Super Hula Hoop?

if i remember correctly, we have to attempt to beat Loulabella's score of 1923spins!


1. Loulabella - 1923
Wish I could be apart of the challenge. Hoping for a wii fit for xmas. Can I just hula hoop without it :8855:
YAY!!! We have a challenge going on....!
Ok, that was in the 6 minute hula and I have unlocked the 10minute.... That's gonna hurt.

What other challenges could we do? We could even make a workout for us to follow? x

I actually think it works too - Have had it a week and have lost 2lbs - without dieting really.... Am planning on pointing again this week and seeing if that with the wii fit can get me to lose some weight b4 xmas. x
Wish I could be apart of the challenge. Hoping for a wii fit for xmas. Can I just hula hoop without it :8855:

Totally! Film it so we can count the hula's! x

1. Rach - 1957
2. Loulabella - 1923

told ya i would bring it ;)


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Yer you go girl.... did you see my pic on my thread for the 10 minute one?!? BUT I am gonna do this one again today. x x x
Yer, get one hun.... Thing is it's not correctly like 1250 spins as it depends on the number of hula hoops you catch... but you could always do 1250 hula hoops in the more conventional way if you so wished? lol
:angel09::angel09::angel09::angel09::angel09: :angel09::angel09::angel09::angel09:
I could..... but then again....

I will leave real hula hoops where they belong - back when I was about 12 and that was a while ago let me tell you! x
Yer you go girl.... did you see my pic on my thread for the 10 minute one?!? BUT I am gonna do this one again today. x x x

i saw it dont you worry - thats next challenge - i still have to unlock the 10mins and survive the 6mins a bit longer!!!
Oh come on...when hubby (if there is one, or bf, or gf) walks through the door he'll/she''ll be overexcited with all that swingdahips!!!!! :)
i saw it dont you worry - thats next challenge - i still have to unlock the 10mins and survive the 6mins a bit longer!!!

I think I did the 6 mins 2 or 3 times....before it unlocked. OH, I unlocked the boxing.... but it seemed *****??? Do I need to get good and not look like a flamingo or something before it gets fun? The best bit was 10 seconds at end when I get to beat the gahoonies outta a big black bag?!?