Hi Val, I have had a disastrous few weeks. Put in 4.5lbs last week and have eaten everything I shouldn't this last weekend. I am expecting another gain. Think I will have to start writing everything down again. Hey ho.
Hope that all is well with you Val. xx
Hi Jane hope ur ok & manage to have a good weekend xx
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Thanks Val, Happy New Year! I am going to get back to plan tomorrow though my official WI will be on Wednesday. I have put on a lot of weight so I need to get back into gear. I don't want to join a class at the moment as I have still got too much going on with mum. She is still in hospital and is likely to be there for some time.
Hope that all is well with you Val. xx
Thanks Val, what plan are you follwing? Are you still going to come on minimins?
I have indeed put on a lot of weight but at least its not quite as bad as it was on Monday. I have been 100% on plan for the last 2 days so its a step in the right direction.
Hope that things are going well with you Val. xx
Hi Jane I'm following one called the no s diet, you eat what u want but have to have 3 meals a day + no snacks Mon to Fri then sat & sun you can have a snack, you limit sugar through the week, u put enough on ur plate to last you through to next meal you can't have any second helpings, think it will suit me cause if we eat out I can have anything off the menu at home I will do Sw chips & other Sw recipes that I enjoy eating, it will be interesrpting to see how I get on, I haven't had any cravings for sweets or chocolate this week which is a good sign
I will still pop on here
, well done getting back to plan u will feel a lot better for it. Hope u have a good weekend xxx
Well done Val, I lost 2lbs also which I am pleased about as I had a few blips over the weekend. I am glad that the new plan suits you. Hope that you have a good week. xx
Thanks Val, hope that you had a good one too. I lost 2lbsx
I gained 2lbs. I am relieved that it wasn't more! Back on plan. I plan to make some 'scones' tonight in preparation for a green day tomorrow.