Ooh I forgot to update that I’d also lost inches when I did my measurements last week too. I think I put my old measurements on here but not my new ones. Will do that in the next couple of days!
One other thing to add is, after going to the gym for a month I can now run for 4 minutes – OK sounds pathetic to some LOL but when I started at the beginning of January I could do a minute and a half. I tend to do more fast walking than running but every so often I like to see how long I can run for – would love to start running properly once the warmer weather (and lighter evenings!) is here.
I tried my wedding dress on on Saturday, I went to the actual shop so I could get the experts' opinion on how it fits! It fits perfectly now, I’ve lost the extra inches that I needed to. It wouldn’t need any alterations if I stayed as I am but I would really like to get to my goal for the wedding/holiday, that’ll be worth paying for alterations
Not really been updating this one very much, I've just been updating my weight in my food diary! I'll keep updating this every so often so I've got something to look at when I want to just see my weight loss quickly 'at a glance' but will keep my food diary as my main diary with all the chat
Anyway 3lb off this week. 13.5lb off now, was very pleased but slightly gutted I just missed out on my 1st by 0.5lb lol. Oh well next week then (hopefully!). I'm getting comments all the time now about how it's noticeable I've lost weight so that's a nice boost. 12.5lb to go til goal now, so less than 1st to go, let's hope I can do it and it comes off as easily as this 13.5lb has x