Sunday evening again, where'd the time go?! Had a lovely weekend, not really sure why as we haven't done a lot but it has just been nice. Not ready for work tomorrow though, would quite like another day! I don't think I've said much about my new class and school yet have I? Well, here's the low down.
The staff are great, really like everyone there as they're all really friendly, supportive and welcoming. My TA is fantastic, really get on well with her both professionally and socially. We've got a staff night out on the 20th which will be a great opportunity to get to know people more.
The class are a mixed bunch really. They're all pretty lovely, no-one is too much trouble really. There's a couple who I'll need to keep an eye on to make sure they're on task but on the whole, they're a good class but there's a few challenges. There's one boy who, quite frankly, absolutely does my head in! He doesn't ever talk, he just shouts all the time and makes silly noises, he constantly questions everything you say, shouts out on the carpet, has to be told to do things 3 or 4 times and doesn't help to tidy up. He's going to get annoying as the year goes on if he doesn't change! I've got a few children who are REALLY far behind, they're able to count verbally to 20 but can't write any numbers, know very few phonics sounds and can't even write their name so they'll be a challenge. There's a few EAL children with quite poor understanding. I've got an autistic boy in my class but he was only in for one day and then off the next two (there seems to be a lot of absences), he's well behaved but really struggles in his understanding and gets upset really easily if he thinks someone is upset or angry, unfortunately although he has a statement we've only been given 2 SEN TAs and have 1 statemented child in each of the 3 classes and as the other two have behaviour issues and can be violent, he's lost out. It's a real shame and I'll keep fighting for more help for him though. I've also got a Romani gypsy/traveller girl who is also a selective mute. She started Reception at Easter so has only been here a term and we don't think she has been to any school before that. She hasn't ever spoken to anyone in school and I'm not sure if she talks at home, she was once really upset so they took her to her older brother and she wouldn't talk to him either, even when the teacher left them alone. She doesn't do a lot and to start with just sat on a chair doing nothing, even when everyone sat on the carpet for register or something she'd sit on a chair, she always looks really sad, won't play with anyone or anything. It's only been 3 days but I think I've made some progress with her, she still won't talk to me but she has smiled at me, twice! That seems to be a big thing for her, she also likes coming to sit by me or holding my hand in the playground. I've also learnt how to kind of get her doing some things, like I needed her to draw a picture of her family so I started by drawing her face and pointing saying her name, then said mum, dad, brother and pointed the the page and put the pencil down and walked away, a few minutes later I looked over and she was doing it, she even communicated who they were by nodding and shaking her head. It doesn't seem like much and maybe it's not but those little things feel like big steps for me, she's the one that I really want to make a difference for this year. I think the stability and routine could really help her, I hope it does.
Right, better get my phonics planned for the week (I forgot earlier, oops!) and get to bed! Night all