New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

So, up until a week or two ago Aaron had been pretty adament that he never wanted to get married, it wasn't that he didn't want to marry me, he just didn't want to get married. He saw it as a religious thing and as he's not religious, he didn't see the point. A week or two ago we were in bed one evening and her spilled that he'd changed his mind about it all. He said that he was at work a few days before and pictures us at 50, we weren't married and had no kids and so I was sad, which made him sad and full of regret. He said that he didn't want that, he didn't want either of us to be sad and he didn't want us to regret anything and so he started thinking about it differently, instead of thinking about him he started thinking about us and suddenly there were so many pros. He admitted that he'd been looking at rings at work so we both kind of knew that it was coming, we just didn't know when.

Anyway, so he gave me that charm bracelet last night and we decided to head into town and have a wander and maybe look for a charm for it. We went into a few jewellers and had a look at charms in each one and just had a gander at the rings too, we were in the final one and we saw some amazing rings at amazing prices as they had a sale on, they'd got some bankrupt stock from companies apparently. Anyway, I decided that there weren't any charms that I liked but we were kind of going oh I like that ring, urgh don't like that one and we saw 'the ring'. I absolutely loved it and there was another one very similar but with a more square shape, we walked out of the shop and were talking about it, saying that we really liked it. So he suggested that we just buy it seeing as it was an amazing price that we'd miss and it was one that I wanted so why not. So we went back in, looked at the two and I loved the rounder one and they had it in my size so we bought it! We had kind of decided that he'd hold on to it and pop the question when he thought it was the right time. He dropped me off to pick up my car (which is much better now btw, sounds great!) and met him at home.

So we got home and sat there on the sofa. I was sat there feeling slightly giddy and full of butterflies thinking about how we'd bought a ring and he kept grinning and laughing, eventually he got out the ring and said something along the lines of 'I was going to wait but I just can't wait anymore... will you marry me?' Of course I told him no to start with haha So then I finally said yes, we put the ring on and looked at him, his eyes were all watery and he said that he felt teary which of course set me off! So he had a very little cry, I had a slightly bigger cry and that was it!

Phoned my parents to tell them before we made it public and they were just like well that's no surprise, can't say that it was unexpected. Obviously said congratulations and everything too but it seemed like they were just waiting for the call really! So yeah, that's about it really!
Awwww, how lovely..loving the butterflies in the tummy moment :) bet they are even bigger butterflies now! :)

I'm sitting here smiling until it hurts :)

Enjoy this special moment in your'll always remember it! :)
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Thanks ladies! Who can make wedding related stuff?! Got to make it cheap as possible!
Not yet no, hopefully next summer if we can afford it though.

Already chosen bridesmaids dresses I think! Going to be lots of homemade things - invites, favours etc. Anything I can.
I think there'll be lots of eBay, homemades and hand me downs. Bridesmaids dresses been approved by one bridesmaid, just need the other and Aaron to approve now lol
You might discover a friend who is fab at taking photos? Friends or relatives with a lovely car? A talented baker hidden away in the families?

The day will be for you and Aaron and how you both want it to be. Over the next few months you will both have lots of ideas and plans...enjoy all the preparation and don't allow anything to get you stressed.

Personally, I feel the day is a celebration of the couple's love and commitment to each other and that is what is can be as expensive or as simple as you want it....happy planning :)

(I've had both versions..and you all know which one I preferred ;) )

So happy to hear your lovely news :)
I've just got back in touch with someone who used to be a very good friend who is a photographer, think we'll probably ask him to do it and offer to pay his travel expenses. Found a cheap cake place already, helped a lady at work find one. Found lovely bridesmaids dresses that are cheap. Will make invitations, favours etc to keep them cheap - may need ideas for them! Probably buy a second hand dress. Venue and food will be biggest cost really.

Thanks for that link F, I'll have a look.
LOL, I was only joking about the link! Don't think you'll want to go that far with the hand crafted antler wedding rings!!:rolleyes: The traditional favour is to give five sugared almonds, and for the women only, so no great expense really if you want to be traditional but are they really necessary? Nice to have but not essential? My friend in Brum just had lovely handmade name placements, which I took home as a memento -- just as good, and had a practical use too (see attached)!

You're going to have lots of fun planning it, and it sounds like you're already off to a good start. It is a series of mini decisions -- there are so many variations and add-ons you can have -- but you just have to keep it real and weigh up how important each thing is in the big picture. Like for me, I just could not justify spending a lot of money on a dress I was going to wear once, and I couldn't tell the difference between designer and a copy in a million years. I spent £130 on mine, from a website where it is made from your measurements in HK, and I was very pleased with it. On the other hand, I love photography and my wedding photo book is one of my most treasured possessions. I quite happily paid £400 for a professional photographer. I had seen the work of and knew I could trust him to produce the kind of photos I wanted. As I said, it is all about focusing on the things that are important to you both.
Happy Planning!


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Oh I didn't realise the wedding cost £1 haha As you can tell, I hadn't looked before thanking you for it! Dress is semi important for me, I need to feel pretty and comfortable but it doesn't need to be designer or expensive. Photos of then day are definitely important too. I'll probably spend bits of tomorrow browsing things but for now going to just enjoy having a husband to be and the excitement of it all being new! Eek that sounds strange!
Oh dear... can't sleep and everyone else is out for the count! :(
Couldn't sleep?
F was the wedding you just went to a purple colour scheme? That's what we want I think, might need a chat with the bride for ideas! If you think she wouldn't mind?