Finished for today. Had booked in for an extra half hour but she wouldn't have finished the stems and ribbon in that time and I couldn't face extra time. Think the lack of food really affected me. Felt quite light headed and nauseous at times. She finished the rose and butterfly though, really liking it.
Yeah, just one more visit. Probably just an hour to finish it off with the stems and ribbon, depending on whether any touch up needs doing on the rose and butterfly. Here it is it after today's work.
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Thanks ladiesDay five of Slim and Save. Feeling quite positive about it all, had a sneaky peak on the scales and they're doing ok. Just sucks to know how long haul this is going to have to be, we've said we'll be doing it for 16 weeks minimum. 16 weeks of no food! Are you meant to have a meal break with S&S like you have to with CD or Exante does anyone know? I remember on CD you had to add a meal and go to 810 for a week after a certain number of weeks.
Thanks SqueezyYeah I said that to Aaron. It'll have born made a lot harder because I was still getting used to it, lol blood sugar levels etc. Will be fine next time like you said. Felt quite faint yesterday and had a real low tolerance for the pain. Next time I could even add a low carb high protein meal to help if need be.
I do have the milk sometimes as I'll have tea at school but never the full amount. Aaron isn't keen on an add a meal week but personally I am. Do it right and it helps you, not damages your losses. Even doing it every 8 weeks wouldn't be bad I don't think.
The reason for a milk week or meal week, is that the research on the safety of ling term VLCDs does not go beyond 12 At 12 week's both LL and CD following the gov't guidelines has their clients boost their calories a bit.
I think if you wanted to do the 150 ml of milk for your tea (skim) all along, it wouldn't affect your losses. Studies show that you should (over time) lose as much on 880 as 460 calories a day because your metabolism will slow down very dramatically with 460. S & S is more like 600 -- but I think you could do the packs and milk, and as a female the calcium is not a bad idea combined with some weigh bearing activity.
Unfortunately soreally not looking forward to going back at all to be honest. Just know how much work comes with it!