I really love the mature thinking there Caz - really working on bad habits is great (no matter how small and seemingly harmless they are - like weighing!). Lovely to see such a positive and grown-up attitude, something a lot of people still do not find in their 40's, 50's etc. I am pretty good with not weighing even though the scales are always in the bathroom - and usually it's so refreshing to actually TRY to break a habit and see them developing before they get out of hand! That's really helped me recognise where I've gone wrong for so many years.
As per spending time with the other half.. Well. My OH and I live together - we moved in after about a year of dating (partly due to necessity of renting a place to go to Uni - rather than actually wanting to do it). The thing you have at the moment is the 'occasion' of seeing him on weekends, having to mark it as a special occasion - because let's face it, we LOVE the other person! Feels like a celebration when we haven't seen them for ages! Finding something to do together that doesn't involve food which is what we, as humans, have socially constructed to bring us all closer together - is going to be tough. May i suggest - having some hobby to get involved in? Having a board-game-off? Winner does __X__, loser does __X__ etc? My boyfriend and I at lunch (3pm) go downstairs, stare down our noses at the S&S cup-soup, but then play Monopoly card game to pass the time.
I don't know how geeky you are, but when I first met the OH, he lived in Bristol while I was in London... He played World of Warcraft, so I started playing too - was a great way to spend 'time' together and keep in touch.

We still play - and when we're bored, we level new characters, it passes the time.
You could also get into Magic the Gathering or some such and play that with Aaron ... I don't know what sort of hobbies he has, but I bet some are pretty fun!
The thing is - it becomes less about having to think up an event when you move in together so it'll be easier.