New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

Happy Saturday Caz :) Definately treat yourself to a coupe of summer kaftans. I love the style and colours of them now. I've never worn any of the glam variety that is out now..just the terry towelling as I kid! ;) ,but if I were going on holiday summer hot, I'd be packing a couple :)

I've never worn a bikini as an adult either. I did have one when I was about was yellow with wee fish on it! hee hee

What are the plans for today then?
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Not sure, just trying to decide! I quite fancied a drive to the coast but it's a bit far and slightly cold for that. Trying to think of something interesting to do that's cheap! Might just explore a local town we've not been to or something. Running out of ideas, obviously need to move somewhere new lol
Hi Caz,

Enjoy your day with the boy!
Thanks all. Having a lovely weekend as always, don't want to say goodbye later! Things are really good for us at the moment, makes me want to see him even more!

I'm considering sending my scales home with him so that I have to stop weighing every day. The reality is that if I stick to plan, I WILL be losing weight. Do I really need to see that on the scales every day or once a week? I'm undecided lol
I have nowhere to send my scales! LOL. Does it harm you in any way to weigh every day? What I mean is, if you dont see a loss or if its not as much as youd hoped does it make you feel down? Or does it have any other negative effect? If not, then there is no real reason to stop, I suppose, unless you just want to have more surprises! lol Ive debated this issue with myself for quite a long time now. It has no negative effect on me, really. But sometimes I think it might be nice to have a surprise. I dunno. LOL. Ive weighed every day since I started this.
Not really but it does mean I start to kind of predict or hope for a certain number come WI and am a bit disappointed if I don't reach it. To start with anyway, I get over it by the end of the day usually lol It is nice to see the drop as one big drop though.

If I send them back with him I'll have to WI every other weekend. That's normally our pattern, he's here this weekend, me there next and so on. Or I could put them in my car and just bring them in Tuesday night ready for Wednesday morning.
yeah. Im the same. I dont get despondent or anything but I do start to hope or predict for a certain number and if its not that, then I get a bit "booo!" for the rest of the day. And to see nice big drops would be pretty awesome.

You could put them in your car, that would probaby solve the problem. Unless youre such a weigh-fiend like I am, that I would go get them LOLOL.

Im undecided as to what to do about weighing as well. Good to know other people are in the same boat. Most of the people I know, friends and family, arent really bothered! Even the heavy ones that diet. theyre fine with weighing once a week or even once a fortnight. Ive never been able to do that. LOL Im too curious!
Good morning Caz. Pleased to hear everything is so good with you and Aaron, how lovely! :) Keep enjoying every single second of this stage in your relationship and just will get even better!!!!!!

I asked hubby to hide my scales when i was a scale hopper!!! He hid them in the back of the garden shed, he knew i wouldn't go scrambling in there to find them! :)

I would send them away with Aaron! if it is unbearable, you know you can collect them on your next visit :)..If you are coping with the unknown, just weigh yourself and leave them there! If I hid them in my car, I would know I could pop out and get them anytime I wanted! hee hee ;)

Have a good day, hope your parting later..isn't too painful :( x
Totally get the whole scale thing. I have been weighing every day recently and it is driving me mad. I am getting obsessed and it is definitely not healthy. (for me anyway.) Give them to Aaron, like Rose said if you can't stand not having them around you can collect them the next time you see him.

So pleased everything is going really well with you and the boy. Hope saying goodbye later isn't too bad. Get yourself on here if you are down, we'll cheer you up. :)
I think I am going to send them back with Aaron. Might just move WI to weekends and then can leave them there, though would mean weighing every other week. Not sure if I can cope with weighing so little! Lol

Feel ok about Aaron going now. Will miss him but it's on 5 sleeps til Friday again! Each week goes so quickly and we see each other almost every weekend. Really isn't that bad. Looking forward to when we have our own place though.

What's everyone got planned for today?
I had nothing planned and still have no plans! :) Hubby in the garden building a wall, wee cherub lost in the land of playstation, don't want him on too long as he'll become obsessed! I'm on minis, off minis, on minis again while watching Dog the bounty hunter in the background :)..yep, pretty busy day for me! ;)

Loving the countdown, it does pass quickly hun :) Weighing in fortnightly might just be good for you, think of all those great and motivational results! :)
Aaron's gone, it's ok, I've not had a breakdown... yet! Only 5 sleeps til I see him again so it's ok. Weekdays are so busy they fly by anyway, be Friday in the blink of an eye!

My scales are still in the bathroom. I've decided that I need to stop being pathetic and face my lack of willpower rather than finding the easy way out. I could send them off with Aaron but what am I learning? It would help me break the habit and maybe that would be enough but I can't run away from my food habits, I can't run away from my laziness habits, I have to learn to deal with habits and control them rather than letting them control me. So it'll start with my scales. I won't be weighing until Wednesday! I won't go into too much detail but I'm not expecting to see a good result on there lol

I've been thinking about my weekends with Aaron. I love seeing him and I enjoy everything that we do together but we've gotten into habits, generally ones that involved eating out and so weekends are quite tempting for us I think. We're used to eating great in the week and then eating a meal out on a Friday or Saturday. It's ok because we'll break that habit but it's just that if we don't do that, what do we do instead? It became part of evenings and days out and so it needs to be replaced with something else, I'm just not sure what! We watch a lot of TV series' which is fun, I enjoy them and we've found some great TV but it's not what I (I think we!) want to do ALL weekend EVERY weekend but it's finding other options, ones that are cheap and don't involve food that's difficult!
When the weather improves, a nice long walk maybe? before or after a dvd? A drive to the coast or countryside? You could still have a meal out, but maybe choose a light lunch instead of an evening meal? Preparing and cooking something together, tasty but not too calorific? Do you have a shared interest, other than each other!!! ;)..maybe start a hobby together, something you both enjoy? Photography etc? Or learn something new and exciting together? You mentioned a home together, maybe looking online at flats/houses, or going to the estate agents..even arranging a couple of viewings..just to see what is out there in your price range for when the day comes?

My weekends were spent with my OH over here on the island most weekends, we both worked all week and spent the weekends not doing an awful lot! I was dieting even then!!!!! ha I would cook him something delish and I would have something healthier...we did share a bottle of wine though..oops!...we just spent time together, chatting, laughing, listening to music, watching dvds and walking in the woods, planning our future :) I remember he said out of the blue one Sunday minutes before I left, if I were to buy you THE ring..what style do you like!!!..I went all silly and girly (shocked but very happy!) and said something stupid like, "errm... anything!!!"...then travelled home all smiley and butterflies in my stomach ha ha..the weekends always flew past..but there was always another one to look forward to :)
I really love the mature thinking there Caz - really working on bad habits is great (no matter how small and seemingly harmless they are - like weighing!). Lovely to see such a positive and grown-up attitude, something a lot of people still do not find in their 40's, 50's etc. I am pretty good with not weighing even though the scales are always in the bathroom - and usually it's so refreshing to actually TRY to break a habit and see them developing before they get out of hand! That's really helped me recognise where I've gone wrong for so many years. :)

As per spending time with the other half.. Well. My OH and I live together - we moved in after about a year of dating (partly due to necessity of renting a place to go to Uni - rather than actually wanting to do it). The thing you have at the moment is the 'occasion' of seeing him on weekends, having to mark it as a special occasion - because let's face it, we LOVE the other person! Feels like a celebration when we haven't seen them for ages! Finding something to do together that doesn't involve food which is what we, as humans, have socially constructed to bring us all closer together - is going to be tough. May i suggest - having some hobby to get involved in? Having a board-game-off? Winner does __X__, loser does __X__ etc? My boyfriend and I at lunch (3pm) go downstairs, stare down our noses at the S&S cup-soup, but then play Monopoly card game to pass the time.
I don't know how geeky you are, but when I first met the OH, he lived in Bristol while I was in London... He played World of Warcraft, so I started playing too - was a great way to spend 'time' together and keep in touch. :) We still play - and when we're bored, we level new characters, it passes the time.
You could also get into Magic the Gathering or some such and play that with Aaron ... I don't know what sort of hobbies he has, but I bet some are pretty fun!

The thing is - it becomes less about having to think up an event when you move in together so it'll be easier. :D
Meant to say, glad you made the decision re scales..only you know what works for you! When I put my scaless back in the backroom, it became easier to ignore them..and I felt quite proud each time I walked out without weighing ha ha..and before I knew it a week had passed!..You can do it hun x
Hi Caz,

I think you've had some good suggestions here. You definitely need to find other was to be together other than eating. How about geocaching? It's loads of fun and you can sign up online and track your progress, plus even set up your own caches. Not only that but there at caches all over the world.

You should give it a go -- see if it doesn't suit you. Then you can venture out and explore on the cheap (bring your food and go hunting).
Hi Caz,

I think you've had some good suggestions here. You definitely need to find other was to be together other than eating. How about geocaching? It's loads of fun and you can sign up online and track your progress, plus even set up your own caches. Not only that but there at caches all over the world.

You should give it a go -- see if it doesn't suit you. Then you can venture out and explore on the cheap (bring your food and go hunting).

Geocaching - The Official Global GPS Cache Hunt Site

Whoa.. never heard of such a thing, had a read through the FAQ on website, sounds fascinating! There's even one across the road from me!
Whoa.. never heard of such a thing, had a read through the FAQ on website, sounds fascinating! There's even one across the road from me!

It's a big thing and there are social groups --