New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

Made it through parents evening, phew! Lots of parents asked me if I'd be staying on next year, felt a little awkward! I don't really know, I'm assuming that there's no chance of that happening but I don't really know. I'm applying for other jobs now anyway so will have to see what happens. Got a job in the school just up from me at the moment so going to go on a visit there after school today, would be perfect really as Aaron likes it here too. Possibly a little too close to my parents though! Wouldn't see them all the time though I don't think, they'd still let us have our own space and independence, not many places to rent here though, small place and no-one moves away! lol

S&S is going well, seem to have really got back in the zone with it. Not feeling tempted in the slightest which makes a nice change! I think being so close to the 15s helps, it's good motivation,

Hope you all have a good day :)
So is Aaron's new job near you? He's moving closer? You're going to live together?
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Nope! It's in the same building he is now but better job in a different department.
Staff room was full of chocolate today! Considered having one but realised I didn't even really want and so wasn't particularly difficult to resist.

Heading to look at a school this afternoon. It's literally 2 mins walk from my house so would be nice! Just going to suss the school out, see if I want to apply which i think I will. They strongly encouraged visits so think they us it as an opportunity to suss us out too!
Well done on resisting the chocolates Caz. Hope the school visit went well

Ditto! That'd save you a fortune in petrol.
School seemed nice, the head seemed ok too. They use the International Primary Curriculum but reckon I could get my head around it. Will apply and see what happens!
Snow day! School isn't shut but there's a lot of snow here so I'm not going in. Only teach in the morning.

Weighed myself... 16st 0.4lb! Gah so close!!!

I'm going back to bed for a bi, been up 3 hours already! Will catch up on diaries when I wake up lol
Snow day! School isn't shut but there's a lot of snow here so I'm not going in. Only teach in the morning.

Weighed myself... 16st 0.4lb! Gah so close!!!

I'm going back to bed for a bi, been up 3 hours already! Will catch up on diaries when I wake up lol

Weigh again when you get up again-have a wee! You never know ;) x
I tried, didn't work lol
Morning Caz -- Good call on staying home: weather predictions are dire. I got up early and went back to sleep. It must be hibernating time.
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I didn't manage any extra sleep :(
We had snow today, but no snow day :( our school very rarely closes.

Hope it goes by tomorrow as we are due to visit DD in London, checked train times just in case
Just caught up and have to say a big well done on how far you've come! That picture really shows the difference and you look amazing!
Snow day today, for me but not everyone else but got plenty to do at home planning for next term, updating the school website etc. Here's outside my house...


Had the weekend off plan. Aaron got a new job so we celebrated on Friday night with wine and chinese and to be honest, it's been an awful week with lots of family stress at the moment and so I welcomed the idea of wine greatly! Had more wine on Saturday night when we had a massive game of monopoly with his family. It was a lovely weekend where I forgot about the family stuff and just enjoyed myself so I don't regret it in the slightest.

Back on track again today, starting the Beck Diet Solution book again too. Working through it with a group on here, determined to actually do it and not stop and forget to carry on past day 4 this time! So day one is all about advantages for losing weight so here are mine.

1. I'll live a longer, healthier life
2. I'll escape the fear of diabetes
3. I'll have nothing to hold me back physically, I can do what I want, go where I want and not worry
4. I'll look and feel better about myself
5. I'll feel more attractive and confident
6. I'll be able to wear nice clothes from any shop
7. Even better sex!
8. I won't feel self conscious eating in front of anyone
9. I'll look and feel good on holiday instead of like a self conscious beached whale
10. I'll look good in a swimming costume
11. I won't feel the need to avoid mirrors at all costs

I never bothered to do this before, I just thought about them but this time I have written them down, I'm going to put them on my phone, as my computer screensaver and they're here too. She recommends reading them twice a day plus whenever you're tempted so I'm going to read them each morning when I get up and when I get home from work. That way I'm set up for the day and hopefully won't feel so tempted to pick during the evening.
Hi Caz,

I found the Beck thread -- I hope it's okay I joined.

You made me blush ("even better sex") -- now, as your adopted mother, I'm going to pretend you meant "potentially" as you and Aaron are waiting until marriage. ;)

Your ARC is very good and you made some good points. Here's one you forgot: "Improve my chances of being DUCK DUCK GOOSE Champion! ;)
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Hi Caz,

I found the Beck thread -- I hope it's okay I joined.

You made me blush ("even better sex") -- now, as your adopted mother, I'm going to pretend you meant "potentially" as you and Aaron are waiting until marriage. ;)

Of course she meant potentially Mel :p
Loving your advantages/positives Caz. :)

Glad you had a nice weekend
Haha yes... yes I meant potential... :eek:

Ohhh you know what, I forgot about that Mel! that's something to add alongside finally being able to catch a boy called Charlie when we play stuck in the mud!
I can't believe it's 4pm! Today seems to have flown by at a rate of knots. Had a shake at about 7am this morning and not actually had anything since, will go and make a cottage pie now I think. Looks like I should be ok getting back into things.

Realised today that there's just under 5 months until we go to Tunisia and I still need to lose 3 stone in that time. I don't regret having the weekends off that I have had but now realise I just need to crack on and get the weight off. No more treats or weekends off! Otherwise it'll be time for Tunisia before I know it and I'll still be a whale lol