Good going on the size 16's !!
Hope you have a good day and plan your meal out for your dinner. If you plan you're more likely to stick to your chosen options.
Tandoori chicken ftw, maybe a dry vegetable dish on the side with okra (low carb), spinach or something?
Thanks lexie

We're not going out for an Indian now, Aaron's dad has to work until late and has work in the morning so his mum decided not to arrange it. In a way I'm glad, it means definitely staying on track, but at the same time it would have been really nice. I'm sure there'll be plenty of other opportunity though at a later date, once we've finished S&S hopefully!
Good evening Caz, hope you've had a good day, I have been out all day, only one day left then back to work
Did you break up two weeks ago? I've only had one week so far, go back on Monday for an INSET day. Frustratingly my TA doesn't work Mondays anymore so won't be there to help me in the afternoon when we get time to put up boards and do things for our classroom. As our topic has to be secret until we've had our 'stunning start' it means that we can't do anything whilst the children are there, so we either have to do it all in that afternoon or come in during the holidays. I'm not drivinga 100 mile round trip to do it so hopefully they'll give me an extra person to help me on the Monday.
Happy Monday Caz !!
Woohoo, to size 16 tops !!!
Have a good week !!
Diva x
Hi Diva! Nice to hear from you, how are you doing?
I agree Caz, if you stick to S&S the rest of the time one meal isn't going to make that much difference.
We have been out all day, first we went to pick up a chest of drawers I bought off ebay, we then went looking at a house (only form the outside, just noticed it had come up for sale, it's in a really nice area, by a canal and open countryside, we may book an appointment with agensts to see it.
Did you decide to go and see the house with the agents?
Having a good week, no cheating, just been 100% and had some really nice meals with my S&S allowance. The gain I saw because of last week has been pretty slow coming off, took much a whole week but the last two days it's dropped off quickly. I'm moving to an official WI once a month on the 1st of every month. The good week, slow week, good week, slow week that I tend to get anyway can be a little frustrating, this way it's just evened out and I should see one good loss over the month. Obviously I'm still going to peek, I always do lol
Didn't get to Aqua Fit yesterday, my sister cancelled as she had a migraine the day before and still felt a bit delicate and fuzzy headed. Hopefully should be able to go Thursday evening though, might go without her even if she doesn't want to go or can't go then. My other sister is up visiting with her husband and kids, probably means another family meal to tempt me! Will do what I did last time, it's easier now that I've said about low carbing, my sister expects it. It's the first time that I've seen this other sister since Christmas though, wonder if she'll notice? Been a lot going on with them at the moment, will be nice to see them.