New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

Oh meant to say, I've been put in charge of music at school. I only found out though other staff who asked me something about it and when I asked my head she was like 'Ah I've been meaning to talk to you about that...'! Good thing I don't mind too much. Not sure how much I'll have to do but it's something extra to put on my job applications!

Thats really good Caz, it will look good on the job applications. When is the next interview? Your diet plan sounds good, have you switched from VLDC completely?
Tuesday 7th of May he's coming to observe me and then going there for an interview on the Thursday.

Basically, yeah. I'm using bars/shakes for breakfast on school days as they're quick and easy but that's it, otherwise it's normal meals.
Lunch... I thought about taking a pack Frances but, well, they're boring! I've kept bars and shakes and have them for breakfast. If I had them for lunch too I'd end up being too low calorie probably. Have you tried doing the lettuce wraps Nef? Not sure if I'm keen on the idea but might give it a try. Blurgh hate cabbage Minerva... :yuk:I've had cous cous actually, think I need to stat prepping stuff like that ready for the week, isn't something I can throw together in the morning! I wish I liked salad, I just find them a bit boring. They're ok occasionally but I couldn't have them often although they're better now that I've grown to like Rosie's favourite thing (besides Artem)... beetroot! Today I had 3 ryvita thins, some light garlic and herbe philly, strips of red and yellow pepper and a few cherry tomatoes, fruit salad for dessert, it was pretty tasty! I could probably make pizza for lunch too using the warburton square wraps, forgot all about those. Think the key for lunches really is planning and preparing things before hand. I've been trying to do an extra portion of things for dinner and having that for lunch, if it's a suitable dinner.

Need to go shopping tonight on the way home, will have a little think and plan things out. On my laptop somewhere I have my calorie counting planning document! All my meal ideas for breakfasts, lunches and dinners with rough calories ready to be copied and pasted into a table to plan for the week ahead. Could have done with that here now!

You'll sort the lunch thing I am sure.
"Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off the goal" ;)
I've planned out my meals for the week. Breakfasts are bars or shakes, weekends with Aaron I've bought muesli for as he's decided to stick with S&S. Lunches are wraps, ryvita thins with philly and veg and a couple of leftover dinners. Dinners are taco baskets (I them had tonight), sausages and swede chips, chicken and bacon gnocchi, fajitas and chicken with baked sweet potato and veg. Going to sit and do this once a week and then do a shop, far easier and better for me I think. Stocked up on fizzy water too!
Here's a pic of my tea, was so tasty!

Stops me throwing so much away too!
Thanks Slim. Went to bed too late, oops! But at training this morning so still in bed for the next few minutes, yay! Off to Aaron's this weekend. We're at a hotel tonight because I've got a meeting tomorrow, so we'll all be going for dinner tonight and a few drinks probably. It'll be my last meeting as I'm not in the group again this year so it'll be nice to see everyone. I've been trying to get some kind of plan made for dinner so I can scope out the menu but hasn't really worked, people aren't deciding anything! So don't know what food will be like today but will stay sensible. The rest of the weekend I'll be at Aaron's and I've said we should cook and he's agreed so hopefully be fine food wise there.
Morning Caz,

Super pretty and very tasty looking meal. As you know from Beck, planning is key! It'll be interesting to see if anyone comments on your slimmer self.
Oh yeah, I hadn't thought about that! I've not seen them since... hmm... maybe October? I was around 3 stone heavier then I think so we'll see. I probably won't get any comments, I'm not sure that they're the kind of people that would comment even if they noticed but there are a couple who might!

Just had to pay £123.75 for 6 months tax for my car. It physically hurt!
Wow! That's a lot of tax! It's as bad as my Jeep. The next car we buy will be "greener" for many reasons.
My car is old enough for the tax to go on engine size and as it's a 1.6 litre engine it's expensive! I didn't realise that when I bought the car, not sure if it would have made me choose another car. Me and Aaron have cars all planned out! Move in this summer hopefully and then next summer once he turns 24 he'll do his full motorbike test and get a bike for to and from work and we'll go down to just one car. Then next car, hopefully end of next year, will be a brand new one, something like a Ford Fiesta, Vauxhall Corsa or Astra. Something small ish and cheap to run but with a big enough boot for school stuff, camping/holiday stuff etc. Never had a brand new car, would be exciting!
I want a hybrid something or other. Maybe a smallish SUV (to replace the Jeep). Our 2009 Focus has been paid for for ages, but as long as that 1996 (bought new) Jeep is running -- I think we're keeping it. Sigh!
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Sounds a good plan.

Training finished a whole hour early, woo! Going to head up to Aaron's now. Might suggest we go to Manchester early and have a wander round as it's actually quite a nice day today, don't want to stay inside!
Morning! Had a lovely weekend thanks. Had Friday evening with Aaron and union people that I've been working with over the last year. It was my last meeting with them so it was really nice to spend some time together catching up as well as meeting the new group for the year, which I won't be a part of though. We had a few drinks in the bar on Friday evening and then headed out for dinner at Bella Italia. I had cocktails, carbs, cheese, lots of naughty things but it was good! I didn't have pudding though :D

After the meeting on Saturday I got the train back to Aaron's and he picked me up and we went to Ikea. I was looking for a rug for the new place but I didn't really like any of the ones that they had, I did manage to find lots of other little bits instead though! Sunday we just chilled and watched a US series called Weeds that we've gotten into before I came home earlyish. I had a text on Saturday from my landlord saying that the room will be ready today and asking if I could move in on Tuesday (tomorrow) so I spent most of the evening packing instead of planning like I'd intended but I did get some done. I'm not taking everything with me, there's not much point, so I've just packed up the important bits like clothes, school stuff, stationary, Wii etc. I'm taking a load over today, dropping it off after school and then I should then fit the rest in my car tomorrow. Then I've got the joy of unpacking and setting up, woo.. not! lol It'll be nice though once it's all done, looking forward to not having such an early start in the mornings.

Right I better get going, I've had a bath but I'm still not dressed and I'm meant to leave in 4 minutes! Ooops... have a good day all.
Morning Caz,

Think of all the extra time you'll have with the shorter commute. Sounds really wonderful.

I'm glad you had a good time in London.

Will you "visit" your parents on the weekend?