Lunch... I thought about taking a pack Frances but, well, they're boring! I've kept bars and shakes and have them for breakfast. If I had them for lunch too I'd end up being too low calorie probably. Have you tried doing the lettuce wraps Nef? Not sure if I'm keen on the idea but might give it a try. Blurgh hate cabbage Minerva... :yuk:I've had cous cous actually, think I need to stat prepping stuff like that ready for the week, isn't something I can throw together in the morning! I wish I liked salad, I just find them a bit boring. They're ok occasionally but I couldn't have them often although they're better now that I've grown to like Rosie's favourite thing (besides Artem)... beetroot! Today I had 3 ryvita thins, some light garlic and herbe philly, strips of red and yellow pepper and a few cherry tomatoes, fruit salad for dessert, it was pretty tasty! I could probably make pizza for lunch too using the warburton square wraps, forgot all about those. Think the key for lunches really is planning and preparing things before hand. I've been trying to do an extra portion of things for dinner and having that for lunch, if it's a suitable dinner.
Need to go shopping tonight on the way home, will have a little think and plan things out. On my laptop somewhere I have my calorie counting planning document! All my meal ideas for breakfasts, lunches and dinners with rough calories ready to be copied and pasted into a table to plan for the week ahead. Could have done with that here now!