Gold Member
That is a definite sign! 
Maybe, probably won't bother. Need to empty out my car, get it valeted, do some school stuff, maybe see my sister or something. I've just sent off an application for a job where the head is called Mrs Gray... that's a sign right?! Job should be mine!
Sitting in the hot tub with a mug shot pasta... This feels a bit wrong!!
Working on an application form at the moment but it's so difficult! There's a question about what I consider to be my achievements outside of studying... I don't know, do I have any?! Also an example of where I've displayed a high level of dedication. These are hard!
I put about teaching myself musical instruments, Thailand/travelling and the bursary campaign that I organised, which wasn't successful in that it worked but was successful in that I got over 2000 people to join it, national press and personal responses from the Education minister. This isn't actually for a teaching job, it's something that is more to do with my degree. I don't think I'll get an interview as it's a highly cream of the cream grad scheme but just thought I'd test the water!
Haven't got one really. Want to clean out my car and get it valeted at some point, need to do some school work, that's about it really. My sister has invited me over but that's a 100 mile round trip, not sure I can be bothered with that today!
I put about teaching myself musical instruments, Thailand/travelling and the bursary campaign that I organised, which wasn't successful in that it worked but was successful in that I got over 2000 people to join it, national press and personal responses from the Education minister. This isn't actually for a teaching job, it's something that is more to do with my degree. I don't think I'll get an interview as it's a highly cream of the cream grad scheme but just thought I'd test the water!
It's a retail operations management position, which is the kind of thing I did in my degree and what I wanted to do when I finished. I'm still looking at teaching jobs but this is a plan b and a kind of what if situation. Just seeing what happens. Starting on 45k with a company car would be nice though!
Had a lovely weekend, lots of socializing with my housemates as I cooked us all dinner last night and we had a BBQ today. Really enjoying living here. Was talking in the car last night coming back from shopping and told them off for ruining my diet for the evening and they were really nice, said they didn't think I was particularly overweight and shouldn't worry about it. Don't think they were just saying it to be nice either. Anyway, said I needed to start exercising more and one of them said I can go to the gym with him if I want as he likes going with someone. So I joined today, £18 a month, can go to any of their gyms and classes and there's no minimum membership time. Its just a shame they don't have a pool! So we're goin this evening at about 8. I'm so so tired though but can't back out on my first day!
Off to catch up on diaries, might take a while!
Oops posted the same pic twice! Should have been a front one too.
You'll remember how bad my last houseshare was Mel. I hated it, spent all my time in my room, didn't feel comfortable in the house at all, didn't feel welcome and I knew that they didn't like me and *****ed about me behind my back, it was awful. So I was kind of dreading moving in here to some extent but it's been a lot better than I even hoped. I just hope it stays as good when the new girl moves in at the end of the month, I quite like it being me and the guys.
I don't know whether I particularly want this job over teaching but thought I'd test the boat and see. It's almost double the wage I'm on now for the same hours or possibly even less, there's room for progression where as there isn't really in teaching as I don't want to very a deputy or head. So I don't know, thought it'd very good to have a plan b in case I don't find a teaching job. I've applied for a few more today though, including one that involves developing and leading ICT across the school but where they actually pay you for that, which is rare! So we'll see.
I know she doesn't have a boyfriend, well I was told that, and she was very flirty with two of the guys. I've warned both of them to stay away! Hanky panky between housemates is banned because don't want an awkward house when it all goes badly! Hopefully she'll be fine or like you said she'll be out a lot.
Last week of term before a week off, final push! Staff meeting tonight AND Wednesday and reports to work on so it'll be a busy week. Going to the gym again this evening when Leon gets home from helping his sister revise for her GCSEs and then I'm going to try and go at least another 2 times, maybe 3. It's only a 5-10 min drive away so I really want to go 3-4 times a week, think the fitness will really help. May treat myself to a new, better HRM on pay day.