Why Be Normal?
Oh I know, it's awful. I have known occasions where the internal candidate hasn't got it but they've been few and far between, normally it's a done deal. I'd rather they be honest in that situation and not bother interviewing me really.
I've been offered a job! It's at the school I went to a couple of weeks ago where I came second. He called this morning and said that he has another position. He's going to email me and send me a letter confirming that I've been offered a position and so I can hand in my notice before the deadline. I don't need to hand in notice anyway because I'm on a fixed term contract. But yeah, I have a job, woo!
I'm still going to my two interviews today as I haven't had it in writing yet and don't want to pull out until I do. I've just done my lesson which went well and am at the second school for the interview now. Bit early so waiting in the car. Would be nice to be offered these jobs too so that I feel extra wanted! Could start that bidding war Mel was talking about
I got the call before I left my school this morning, I popped in to grab a few bits and it's a good thing I did because it was class photos which I'd completely forgotten about so they did my class first so I could be in the photo. Can't not have a photo with my very first class! So I told my head and deputy and they were really happy for me. The head knew how much I wanted that school and how disappointed I'd been and she really liked him too. They suggested I do these interviews too and only withdraw once I have it in writing even if it means not going back for the interview this afternoon.
But yay, I have a permanent job AND I get to move to Manchester and live with Aaron!!
Whoop! Soooo happy for you both!
Sorry to hear that the job situation isn't cooperating at the moment lovely Caz. I know exactly how you feel as i have been in the same situation as you are. I wasnt getting as many interviews as you are so you are clearly doing something right!! Its bad that they have to advertise for jobs that aren't technically available as they have someone in the post already. It makes me very angry as it is SO unnecessary!
YOU WILL FIND SOMETHING and something good too!! I know it! You are fab!! Dont give up hope. our dream job is around the corner even if you havent dreamed it just yet!
Hugs xxx