Skinny minny to be!!
my boyf - the broke film student - is always saying thay once you find a job you love you'll never work a day in your life!!
Oh my god that is my new moto! Love it
Yeah Im a true dub... but I wouldnt mind moving to galway or cork for a good job. The prob is the boyf. Hes from westmeath but living in dublin and is a "government sponsored artist" lol as you say (brilliant by the way!)
Our lease is up at the end of may you he'll move home to the pareants and I will too (Rathfarnham, Dublin).
Sure ya never know. Are you out of college long? I finished 2years ago... I miss it so much! Used to have great craic with everyone I was one of only 3 girls in my class.
Anyhoooo better get back to work - slave to the job I know - yeah right!!!!
Talk to ya again||!!