Hi Nas,
So sorry to hear of your loss.
Reading what you have posted, your calorific intake seems extremely low. Had your dietician endorsed this at all?
Someone had also commented on this earlier on in the thread but if you do pitch your calorie intake too low, your body will start running in famine mode and you will find it a lot harder to lose weight on a permanent basis because as soon as you adjust your eating habits when you have reached your goal, your body may begin to increase fat reserves in case you go on another famine cycle again.
It may be worth looking at tuning your metabolic rate so you run through calories faster. Smaller, lighter meals at frequent intervals may help in addition to what some people term "smart foods" (also known as Speed/Super-Speed foods in SW) to actually kick your metabolism into overdrive.
Weight loss is mostly about the food you eat but if you are looking at doing exercise as well, you will need to take this into account when planning your food intake.
Pushing yourself too hard, too fast can have very dangerous consequences in some extreme consequences and I have unfortunately seen this happen and several people pass out at my Gym before being permanently banned.
Despite this, done safely, you can have an extremely productive, happy and long-lasting slimming journey.
Remember that you have this brilliant forum for support and tips, especially if you find you are flagging and feel like you have hit a wall.
Good luck on your journey and feel free to PM me if you would like any help