
Just wanted to say hello! I am starting slim and save tomorrow! I have an enormous amount of weight to lose but just taking it a day at a time :) My gorgeous hubby is doing it with me, mainly for support and he wants to lose his belly. Already been reading the posts and feel really positive . I hope to be sharing my successes with you all :) x
Good luck!! :)

I started biggest loser shakes today.... like yourself i have loads to lose too .... am currently 16st5lb :(

if you need any motivation feel free to message me...sometimes its easier when ur not doing it and going through the cravings alone

good luck for tomorrow xx
Ah thank you that is lovely. I am 21 stone 10lbs so massive journey ahead lol! Still, feeling positive :) thanks again, and good luck to you too :) x
You will do it :)

Are you exercising too??? i find that it really speeds up my weight loss I tend to do a dvd or zumba on the wii..late at night with the curtains firmly shut!! the neighbours must think i am mad!!! lol.. really gutted as this time last year was 14st7lb..... its amazing how the weight piles on without u noticing isnt it!!! :( seems to go on quicker than it comes off hahahah

all the best for tomorrow xx
Yep I have a Rebecca Wheatley DVD which is nice and gentle so starting with that as my joints are pretty sore. Going to make time for it. I work part time, have 2 boys and run my own cake business so won't be easy as I do that in the evening after boys in bed, but I have to do this. No more excuses :) xx