Attack Newbie - hows it going


Full Member
Hi All, well im Jo and im about to start the Dukan - very scared :) but with only 7 wks until my
Holiday im needing to get dieting - eeeekkkk

Anyways ive read the book and bought my
Bits but just wanted to ask a few question ??

How are u all doing and hows the weight loss?
Also can i have Muller lights?
Is bacon not allowed in the attack phase?
Am i ok with skimmed milk.

Thanks guys and look forward to losing.
Hi Jo

Welcome to the forum and good luck.

You are allowed skimmed milk and most people do have mullers, i don't think they are strictly allowed though? Extra lean bacon is allowed i think but beware of the salt content.

I'm pretty new to this myself but i'm sure someone will answer your questions soon xxx
Hi thanks for your help, glad milk is allowed :). Maybe i will try skipping the mullers then i was trying to find something simple for brekkie in work :)
Welcome Blondie,yes they recommend 0% natural yoghurt and flavour yourself but as CB said most use muller, any piggy product is a no-no its too salty it will make you retain water good luck x
Avoid bacon but if you need something similar try turkey rashers!

I lost initially eating the onken fat free biopot (full of sugar!) but heeded advice on here to switch to total 0% fat free sweetened myself and flavoured if needed. I'd wholeheartedly advise you the same, mullers may stall your losses (with fear of this being unpopular as they seem to be being viewed positively now!). I'd say if we're playing by the rules they're off limits!

Good luck!! You'll be on holiday about same time as me which was the motivation to start dukan!! X
Thanks for your help, so far so good today... I cant wait for my holiday just need to lose some weight :)

How much have you all lost so far? How long have u been following the plan x x x
Hey Blondie, and welcome!!!

I started a week ago today- last Monday and have lost 5 lbs already. Its hard when you want to lose a lot quickly. I'm going on holiday on 15th of this month which is why I started Dukan- a bit late I reckon, but nevermind.
Everyone on here is really really fab and I recommend logging in every day just to keep you going. For me even noting a 0.2lb loss on my ticker is such a boost.
The support and goss is great.
Good Luck to you and hope to hear from you again soon!!!

welcome and good luck everyone!

One word of warning when you diet for a holiday - this probably is true for any diet but even more so when you're doing Dukan. Taking the carbs out of your system means that the first time you allow yourself carbs in any quantities (and I am talking a couple of slices of bread max here), your body will think it's feeding time after famine and hang onto every single calorie it can extract from that *and more*. So right post-Cruise a piece of food that is say 100 calories will be absorbed like 120 cal. This is why it is so important to follow the 'Consolidation' phase of the diet to the letter, for the prescribed time which may well be coinciding with your holiday. Yes Conso it does allow some laxity (one nomral meal with drinks and one (lean) pasta meal a week)and the extra slice of bread and cheese and piece of fruit a day, but THAT IS really IT.
Maybe you already have read up on Conso, and are planning to do a holiday with some degree of self-discipline in the food department. But do have another look at the book before you interrupt your Dukan, and if you 'just let go' whilst on holiday then don't be too dismayed to see it all pile back on in just a week. Yes some, most of that will be 'water weight'' that comes back off as soon as oyu cut out the carbs again, but it's also quite stressful for your system to do these ups and down all the time.

Sorry this may have come out too negative, please don't let me put you off, any losses are good losses at any time and the Dukan strategies should see you through any holiday and allow you to make informed food choices. I just wanted to raise this point as both of you are dieting 'towards' a holiday. Also in terms of speed, after attack you should see your losses even out at about 2lb a week max.