Silver Member
Miss Demeanor said:Hi all
fab losses this week ladies. Susan big congrats , you must be so really pleased, timing was perfect to keep you on track. Just read thro the last few days posts and seemed you had hit a mental wall and I could feel your restlessness in yr posts. Are you back in fight mode for the next weigh in? Not long to that holiday now!!
Jules can't wait to see you up there- there's no doubt in my mind that you will lose all the weight. You always sound so calm and focussed and with such consistent losses I don't think there's any way you will stop anytime soon
I came off meds on Tues and weigh in today hv lost 7.5lbs over 2 weeks so v happy as I was sure having to eat& no exercise that I would have no loss or worse still a gain but now almost at 2stone loss... YayBack to SS from tomorrow but at school Xmas fair on cake stall so could be SS+ tomorrow
Hi miss d, good to hear from you, I was wondering how you were as hadn't seen you on here for a few days!
Your absolutely right, I was feeling bloody awful and the loss was just what I needed! Just hope it doesn't effect this week?!?
Huge congrats on your loss, that's excellent especially when you've been ill! So pleased for you...