Newbie, on day 4 :)


Hi everyone :)

This is my first time trying a VLCD, I have 3 months until I get back to university and hope that I can drop 2 dress sizes in that time to a UK 14. I don't know if this is reasonable but I can hope!

The first couple of days I really struggled with hunger, now I'm on day 4 I think it's less about actually feeling hungry but more psychologically why I'm finding this difficult. All I can think about is food! I even dreamed about Cauliflower the other night. I barely like cauliflower!

Anyway I really hope this gets easier, luckily I'm very stubborn so I refuse to give up!
It is difficult. And I have dreamed about food on more than one occasion (I haven't done 2 weeks on exante yet).
In fact last night part of my dream involved gorging on lots of junk food and I distinctly remember thinking how bad I caved in and have to start ketosis again. The best thing is I woke up and it was only a dream. My first day back on normal food Im gonna eat a steak (and nothing else). Something to look forward to!

I have that exact same stubborn mentality - I aint giving this up. It's only for 6 weeks!
Oh welcome btw..and stay strong...I don't remember dreaming of food but I have to make my bf his dinners. I like making food as I do it how I would like yo..if that makes any is hard at times..specialty last night..mix grill!! I have to remember not to test food lol..cos you do when cooking don't yer..I did sip the tiniest bit of gravy to
I'm keep nearly forgetting about testing food as well, as I've been looking after my little brothers during the day, I'm having to cook for them and I keep going to test things, luckily I always remember just in time! I find being around other people's food to be a big challange, even if I don't necessarily like the food in question, I find myself watching on miserably lol
It is really hard when people in your house are eating all the usual crap and you're stuck trying to watch what you eat, my dad works in a Chinese restaurant too and brings back some most nights and the smell has my head doing overtime :( What is this Exante diet anyway?
Yeah I totally agree! My mum just bought loads of biscuits so I'm having to stay away from that cupboard!
Exante is a very low calorie diet in which you have 3 prepared meals a day, e.g. a shake, soup and bar.
That is the worst! My mum's shopping day is tomorrow and believe it or not Friday is my worst day :sigh: But no money this weekend so no alcohol will be consumed which is my biggest downfall lol, ah right I could not do that at all, I tried to do the SlimFast diet but just didn't work out at all!
Yeah I'm doing Slimming World, joined 9th April and lost 2st 5lbs since, best thing I've ever done :) and lost just under 2 stone before that too! :)
Ooh my mum's doing slimming world too, her friend has managed to lose 8 stone since January on it which is so amazing
Wow..8sts is incredible. .well done gareth on w8 loss...suppose to be good SW..was thinking about it..but I prefer not to have to bother with food. ..