Sounds like you need to do something hun to settle your tummy and at least if you do WW while waiting to see if it is a bug then you wont do much damage. Take Care Jo xxx
It was weird because on fasting days I just 'didn't so therefore I just haven't. I keep drumming into my head that I didn't do it on fasting days so why do it on normal days, I've started writing snacks into my plans. I just keep thinking how annoyed I'll be after and how ill have no pro points afterwards. Every time I go to the cupboard to get something out I think no, I'll be eating tea in a bit just hold off until then. I just keep thinking WI, holidays, summer!!!!!!!!
I've been thinking like that too but it doesn't seem to stop the compulsion to eat as much as possible quickly. Need to get a handle on this. I've never been as bad as I have sinse these last few weeks!!!
I've been thinking like that too but it doesn't seem to stop the compulsion to eat as much as possible quickly. Need to get a handle on this. I've never been as bad as I have sinse these last few weeks!!!
I know it's an instant false hunger isn't it? I find if I have something sweet then I need more and more but if I just have a pack of crisps I'm ok. My secret weapon at the minute is be good to yourself chicken noodle cuppa soups from Sainsburys. They're only 1pp and filling for a bit, I have one of those with a pack of 2pp crisps and it settles me.
Thanks Hannah, I think it's me, I've got a really funny tummy anyway the slightest thing will upset it. I've had ulcers, and reflux, I get really sore and bloated. I have a really acidy stomach and its always noisy. I think tbh it's mainly stress related. I go through stages of needing to eat plain food. Plain jacket potatoes, ready salted crisps, dry crackers, rich tea biscuits etc when I'm really suffering with it. I'm strange but the last thing I can do when it is bad is be hungry or empty, I'm hoping it is a bug, my hubby and kids are ok I'll try and settle it and try again.