Newbie question - help?!


Silver Member
Hi folks...

Just wondering if I'm updating my signature incorrectly as I seem to always get an error message telling that I'm trying to put too many characters in it.
I see people with loads of stuff in their signatures, so I'm wondering if the space you're given gets bigger and bigger even after 50 posts? (Or, I'm doing it wrong...)

Sorry hun...I've no idea, but I hate seeing a post with no replies...obviously the people that have viewed your post are like me and don't have a clue. :eek:(
Thanks, but I've read that and was already aware that you get more space once you've made 50 posts. However, I've made more than this and yet don't appear to have as much space as others.
I wondered if the space got bigger as you make even more posts?
I don't know the answer to that one, but I suspect it is the more posts the larger the space.