newbie-restart AGAIN !!!

U feelin any better Hun? X
Hey jem! He actually took it really well! I was shocked! Then later he asked if I would consider staying on part time for him as well! It wouldn't work though as I'm leaving to another full time job and I have 2 young kids! Reason I was leaving is to have more time with them lol! But I told himif he's ever stuck with someone being sick etc to give me a shout! So all is on good terms! And I'm glad of that! Everything is falling into place :) xxxx
Glad it's on good terms hun :) x
thanks girlies .... Lauren glad it all went well with your boss now you can really start to look forward to your new job hun x
..... have been awol for a couple of days just have been so busy..supposed to be on hols but its been hectic ...hope everyone is all doing well will post menu's now x
Thursday 30th june
1 scone n jam 7pp
tea 1pp
total 8pp
tesco light choices ham salad sandwhich 7pp
tea 1pp
total 8pp
spag bol (home made) 10pp
2 garlic bread 6pp
total 16pp
grand total 32pp
29/29......3 weeklies used

friday 1st july
1 toast 2pp
20g cheese 2pp
1 teasp marmalade 2pp
tea 1pp
total 7pp
turkey sandwhich 9pp
tea 1pp
ww toffee mallow 1pp
banana 0pp
total 11pp
haven't had any dinner as yet as I really don't feel like eating ...stomach feels all bloated and huge and I don't know why ...will maybe have some fruit and a yoghurt don't really know any suggestions gratefully welcome x
Sorry to hear you're feeling rubbish Jem, anything you can think might be to blame? I feel like like at times, usually during TOTM and also when I'm ovulating (sorry if TMI!).

If you're not hungry, don't eat now, maybe have a bigger breakfast - I know we're not supposed to carry points over but rationally, how can it hurt, esp if you've skipped a meal & are well within points? Hope you feel better soon xx
don't force yourself to eat hun, i was like that last week.

a milky ovaltine or hot chocolate maybe and a digestive?
Thanks Rosie and Juicy ....don't know whats wrong with my belly feel like I've ate a 7 course anyhow I ended up having a yoghurt 3pp and 2 ww mini bars 2pps so thats 24pp out of 29pp used .....on the bright side don't feel as bloated today although the appetite isn't great but I 'll muddle through ....hope everyone is enjoying their weekend x
menu for saturday 2nd july
1 egg poached 2pp
1 toast (DRY) 2pp
2 slices bacon 4pp
tea 1pp
total 9pp
1 ham & tomato sandwich 8pp
1 lf yoghurt 1pp
pint water
total 9pp
have nothing planned as yet but will have something ...11pp worth of chocolate maybe lol ...... x
sure is Tracy your very welcome I hope youe enjoy ! x
chocolate yum :17729:

hope you're having a good weekend x
Hi petal! Hope u r managing to gave some relaxing time off and that ur appetite is bk n bloatyness banished :) hugs x
Hi Jem&Carly
Your advise pls, just doing a plan of action for coming bak to ww, next wk x
what's the PP on tinned fruit in juice of course is it ok on PP is it free like normal fruit cos I want to eat fruit it's just so costly x
as far as I know Liz it is free in it's own juice but.. the juice isn't free so you will have to drain it ....fruit in syrup is 4pp for a 210g tin ..hope this helps hun x
Oh yes that's fine I will drain juice off it thanks Hun x
my leader only lets us have 1 potion of each fruit a day, otherwise we have to point it. i checked the nutrition of an apple and it was 2 pp :eek:, i only have one a day now.
Hi Jem, great diary! This fullness and bloating must be in the air (pardon the pun) as I have had it since Wednesday. It isn't as bad today but still uncomfortable, I hope yours is gone now. I felt hugely big and bloated at my WI on Thursday so maybe that is why I gained half a pound! What is your WI day Jem?
Boo! Xx