Newbie to Xenical :)

Thanks for you advice, i had been eating more carrots this week thank normal, maybe i will have to increase them even more, not that i mind as i love carrots!!

Sorry to hear you have an ear infection, nasty things they are. Hope it goes soon!!

Glad your pills are starting to work and your not feel "gross" with them any more!! OMG 132 days, that will soon go now :D
i'm not going to stress about it either - what gets done will get done what don't won't - simple :) - no point to stress about it....everyone knows i'm laid back anyways - so its not going to be something that has to be 100% perfect though it will be cause i'm marrying the love of my life :p :)

so far 80 people have rsvp'd :)
Morning everyone....

Jessica well done I am well chuffed for you :):)

I lost 3lb's yay well chuffed :):)
Thanks Jessica......its hard work losing all this weight there is nooooooo way its going back on lol :)

Hope your well hun xx
I lost 2lbs like you jessica so i am pretty chuffed :) at one point i thought i was going to be putting weight on this week :)

After talking to you about dieuretics the other day i found out cucumber and lettuce are natural in that, among carrots and a few others, so much better to eat the salad than have to take water tablets, so fingers crossed it will work!!
hope everyone is doing well!! - it is sickly hot here today!

all is well just 3 classes today so I will spend most of the day writing papers for my degree!
yesterday :) i did a lot of wedding stuff....ordered our flowers....ordered my grandma roses for her birthday on Saturday :) ..... booked the hotel rooms for the night before the wedding for the ladies :) .... all the men is going to stay at my grandmas house :) .... and I also got the sound person booked :) so really not much left to do now :)
Morning busy jessica its so exciting :)

celery is another diuretic, lemon juice in water.....dandelion tea :):)