I am sure if I had kids - mine wouldn't be staying clean - he he - after our wedding in July hopefully we conceive as my FH is quite a bit older then I am - we don't want to wait for a long time.
I'm sure you will hun, just dont put too much pressure on yourselves!! Relax and it will happen and if not (i know its not always the same) there is plenty of children out there looking for a good mummy and daddy!!
That would be lovely to adopt 2, i do admire people who do it, its something i always said i would do if i couldnt have children. And who knows maybe in the future i will do, as i dont want to have any more myself i dont think!!
hey jessica.good to hear your food diary..i am really suffering with bloating as well and feel like i have put on weight rather than lost this week...we will see! i know how you feel about the heat, i live in istanbul and in the summer the humidity is sometimes 95% so it can feel like 65 degrees C in july and august which is hell!
how long have you been on xenical?
Sarah - my FH and I are going to Istanbul for Easter break - bloating I hope will go away I always weigh in the mornings and get more accurate readings - in the evenings i could very well be bloated 2-6 pounds.
the heat can be horrid - but I think it may even be helping with the weight loss as well.
ahh its a beautiful city...have you been before? im sure you will love it here...the heat is the same for me, in the summer its too hot to do anything except drink so the weight falls off me (well not really but its easier to lose).! my offical weigh in is tomorrow although i feel like ive been doing it forever
Sometimes if your worrying this delays totm!! Are you sure there is no chance of babies? I'm not sure what effect the tablet has with the totm but i do know it can affect the pill!!
I'm sure you will see great results on monday, you are doing so well!!
The stress is a big factor!! so try and relax, easier said than done i know! Sometimes we dont lose weight but lose inches, so maybe thats whats happened for you!!
I have never measured myself yet but maybe i should do, it would be intersting to see really. Thats great that you have lost inches on your waist, well done!!
Breakfast - had some cereal
Lunch - I will have Fruit
Supper - Pasta or Rice with Chicken legs - or chopped up Chicken for a stir fry with veggies
according to the scales I have not lost anything so far this week :-( and I am 4 days in for the week - hopefully I see some type of results for the true weigh in on Monday I guess I am bit of a serial weigher (is that even a word lol) I jump on the scales every morning as soon as I wake up