Newbie with 4 stone to lose

Chin up Kim, I am sure it will sort itself out. I know we need that boost sometimes, hopefully you get it next week x
Maybe stop weighing ourselves for a couple of weeks Kimmi till our body adjusts?

My thoughts exactly - just keep on doing what you're doing, don't weigh for a while and then I bet you'll be happily surprised. In fact, I know someone who only weighs herself once a month - she decided a weekly WI was making too big a deal out of the actual weight loss, iyswim.

Somehow that switch really helped, she lost a stone in the first month of not weighing.

And don't forget to take your measurements!
Thanks peeps for your comments, I've just done day 5 of shred, I'm kinda enjoying it so want to keep it up. I've put the scales in the wardrobe for a few weeks, will carry on and see how things go! I don't look or feel any thinner, taken my measurements and have one inch off my bust and one inch off my thighs but nothing off the middle ( my biggest problem part!! I'm meant to be going out tomorrow night with the girls and I'm just not feeling it, just feeling so low at the moment.

I feel I have no control over my destiny. I met my lovely bf and he came with baggage.... Debt. With a lot of sorting from me he has 36 months left..... It's like a 3 year sentence!! So we can't buy a hOuse for 3 years, we can't have a baby for 3 years, we can't get married for 3 years, we can't have a holiday for 3 years. So In Theory I have 3 years to lose this weight!!! It just gets me down.......... X
Sorry to hear you are feeling down. It's hard to think of the positives at times like that. Try not to focus on the 36 months x think of how amazing it will be as soon as they are done! How lucky your bf is you was able to sort, so it does not hang around your necks forever x well done with the scales! Xx
Maybe you could try and look at it a different way. Yes, he has baggage in the form of debt but he treats you like a princess and you love him to bits (from what I get from your posts). If that is the only baggage he has, he's a dream!

He could have emotional baggage, be abusive, manipulative, the list goes on. Ok, so you can't 'start' your life together, but why let something as inconsequential as money hold you back? A week away camping can be as romantic as any holiday abroad. Dinner, just the two of you, at home, same as any restaurant.

Your love is your beacon through this challenge and your relationship will be all the stronger that you came out the other end.

I feel for you hun and well done for doing day 5 of shred!
Yes, he has baggage in the form of debt but he treats you like a princess and you love him to bits (from what I get from your posts). If that is the only baggage he has, he's a dream!

Oh what a lovely thing to post, brought happy tears to my eyes! :)

And going out with the girls will cheer you up, hun, always does for me! :D xxx
Hi kimmi, forgive me as I don't think I have posted on your diary before but managed to rad the whole lot today and WTD to subscribe. I know How disappointing it is to stay the same or gain on this diet. Workouts do hold weight but think of the shredding you are doing. Will be back later to post the rest, getting dragged away from iPad to get dogs up and ready :( and so my day starts...catch up in a bit :)
Thanks peeps, it's very easy to look at what we haven't got than what we have got right in front of us!!! I M very lucky, I have an amazing boyfriend who makes me smile everyday with the little things he does. Today was a lie in with sausages, bacon and eggs in bed! I am very lucky and we do go camping, have a date night once a month Nd little things like that. We really desperately want to start a family and oncea Month when the hormones kick in it I get low, very low and I struggle.

So we have 36 months until we are debt free and be comfortable.... 36 months to lose this weight..... So if I did only lose 1lb a week... That would be 144 pounds!!! Haha.... If only!!

Well new day today..... Cooked breakfast done, doggy walked, house cleaned, Day 6 shred done! Just having a quick doggy cuddle before getting my bits together and heading back to Cheltenham with a night with the girls. The bf gets a Night to himself tonight, think he needs it, I've been so miserable!! He's on lates tomorrow so won't see him until Monday morning.... Hopefully I'll be a but brighter by then!!

Have a lovely weekend peeps!! He's my doggy cuddle:


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Well I pressed the big self destruct button yesterday and I pressed it hard!!! I knew it was coming, I tried to contain it but I needed a blowout and boy I did. Now to people who don't know me, I'm not a going out kind of person, I like to be on my sofa, watching chick flicks with my bf and doggy. I'm a home bird, I'm not a drinker! The last year has been crazy and stressful and I needed to blow!!

So we decided that we should take out our friend out before she gets married. She didn't want a hen party but just a night out dancing. So the 5 of us met at our friends and had a few mojitos, then round to a friends BBQ where we hit the wine, I didn't have any food, I wanted to be good after all!! Then into town and a few strawberry daiquiri's, and a few flaming sambuca's and then Jaegermeister and then pitchers!! All inhibitions about my size went out the window and I danced the night away, getting back to my mums at 2:30am!!! Fantastic night!! Until 430 when I saw it all again!!!!! My mum had me up at 830 to take her to a car boot!!

So I've struggled all day, I never drink like this, I haven't been sick from alcohol for about 12 years!!! So unlike me!!! So today I needed carb, needed bread to soak up this horrid burning acid in my poor tummy!! So I've carb loaded today and I'm back on it tomorrow. Need to get stuck in again, back to clean and green, back to the basics.
I'm not sure it was the self destruct button. I think it may have been the 'I'm human and I want and deserve a night of fun' button'

Sounds like you had a wonderful time and so you should! Bloody good for you a night out on the tiles!

Obviously the carbs will be present on a hangover but that's part of he fun! Plenty of water and clean start tomorrow with it out of your system and your determination renewed!

Ps - post pics!!
I'm not sure it was the self destruct button. I think it may have been the 'I'm human and I want and deserve a night of fun' button' Sounds like you had a wonderful time and so you should! Bloody good for you a night out on the tiles!

Absolutely, I couldn't agree more!

Don't worry about it hun - as others have said to me recently, we're human, we have a blow out every now and again! :) Back to clean and green and you'll be fine xx
Well I never remember a hangover lasting 2 days!!!!! Must be getting old!! Thank goodness I have Mondays off!! So back to day 1 today, I didn't weigh in, not ready to see the damage so will stick to my Saturday weigh ins!! Not eaten yet, have just attempted a cauliflower pizza base but looked very wet to me!! Not hopeful! Have put some sausages in the oven too.

So here I go, new week, new start, hopefully a new me :) xx
Cauliflower pizza was an epic fail!!! I didn't go hard at all and I don't like the taste. Sticking to meat And veg for a few weeks I think!! X
Day 1 restart ok:

B- 2x tesco finest pork sausages, 1 x boiled egg
L- 30g cheese and hard boiled egg
D- bacon, mushroom salad with cheese

I have drank lots of water and feeling very full, off to bed to sleep day 2 hangover off!! X
Day 1 restart ok:

B- 2x tesco finest pork sausages, 1 x boiled egg
L- 30g cheese and hard boiled egg
D- bacon, mushroom salad with cheese

I have drank lots of water and feeling very full, off to bed to sleep day 2 hangover off!! X

You are getting old ;-)

Well done on a 100% day x
Cauliflower pizza was an epic fail!!! I didn't go hard at all and I don't like the taste. Sticking to meat And veg for a few weeks I think!! X

Oh dear sorry it didn't appeal - you do have to squeeze the excess water out - not sure if that makes a difference? :)

Hope you feel brighter today!