Newibie who started on 23rd April - Exante / Cambridge Diet


New Member
Hi everyone,

I successfully managed to lose over 5 stone on the CD back in 2005 but since then I've put quite a lot back and am now trying to get things under control before its too late.

On Monday I weighed in at 16st 5lb so I have a bit of journey on my hands but hopefully I will manage to stick to the plan and in 4-6 months time be happy with the way I look.

I've been given quite a few CD packs from a friend who's reached her goal (lucky thing) and I've also ordered an Exante bumber pack so to start with I will combine the two plans.

Well so far so good, it's Day 3 and I'm in Ketosis and I haven't had too many carb withdrawal symptoms although I did have a bit of a dizzy turn yesterday. I know I'm going to be a complete bore over the next few weeks because I find the best way to resist temptation in the evenings is to take myself off to bed and read my kindle. Hopefully hubby and the kids will understand and be patient with me while I go through the first couple of weeks, do any of you feel guilty for feeling anti-social because I certainly do.

Anyway I just wanted to say hi, feel free to contact me if you're looking for a diet buddy.

Take care,
Hi Anita, I started the exante diet too on Monday 23rd so day 4 today...yesterday I thought was the worse day so far for cravings to be bad but I resisted! Yay :) day two was terrible headaches.....but ok today....I'm was 11st 2 on Monday after having a baby boy I need to get this weight off...I'm only 5ft 1....xx
hello Fifi and TH,

Welcome to the boards. Keep drinking the water - regularly and small sips, and if you need it have have half or and extra shake to stop you from feeling too wobbly.

I've found people really supportive here, You'll find more support on the Exante boards - so do post there.

Sorry I didn't see this. - in my view - yes, especially if you are tired or grumpy due to low blood sugar. Maybe if you are on a 3 or 4 a day regime, you could try half a pack. It's better than deviating - and will keep you in ketosis as long as it's far enough apart from the one before. On Alizonne we have 5 sachets (mostly 100-110 calories, plus 200-300 calories of salad, veg and a tbspn of olive oil. I've had an extra sachet on really long days (5am starts to midnight finishes), extra exercise and on a few days when I was just plain needing something., They are always 2-4 hours apart. I rarely go longer than 3 hours cos I get grumpy.

Hope its going well,
