Thanks guys! Ive had a bit of a rubbish day yesterday and today, feeling ridiculously down. Had a little cry on the shoulder of the OH last night. Feeling better after coming on here and reading through all the nice things you guys have put.
I am powering through now... think I might go and spend some money, that always helps! Hehe!
Also another great idea, I went to visit my mum yesterday, shes moving house soon and has started de-cluttering. Anyway, she found this vintage fur coat that she used to wear when she was younger (proper 60s). IT IS BEAUTIFUL! And she said i can have it as soon as i fit into it! I can get it on, its a bit tight across my back but I am so determined!!! Cant wait to be wearing it in December!
Its just another little goal ive set myself!! Cannae WAIT! lol! xxx