.Nicki.'s Diary - restarting tomorrow

I have been reunited with my nemisis.........3am! I can't sleep, couldn't sleep last night either so in 48hrs i've had about 4 hours sleep but on the plus i've not been eating a lot either, last night i had a 900cal tea because i'd only eaten about 400 cals and i didn't snack either, hope that little gem of a habit lasts.
My scales are stuck on 21.3, well i say stuck they go up from that but never down.
I have a confession, i don't have a set weigh day. I jump on the scales everyday and on mark when it goes down!
Hubby broke my blender couple of days ago so i've not been on the shakes, it was only a cheap one but i was not impressed! But bless him he came home with a Kenwood smoothie maker yesterday, dying to play with it but i've been up all night with a bad tummy so i think i'll be back on the shakes tomorrow. I've noticed that the days i don't have the shakes, i don't drink the water and i've been drinking alot of water. I look like a teenager again with the amount of spots i've got at the moment, but i'm assured (by my mum) that they'll clear up and its just the water sorting my system out.
i need to get my head back into gear! we got takeaway again last night FFS!!!! can u lasso me back onto that wagon again please lol x
Totally know what you mean about not having your head in right place for the diet. But you have to think past that hun. Imagine the future, a slimmer healthier you thats able to run around after the wee one you so badly want. Im doing the same thing, i dont want to die before my daughters 30. If i carry on the way i am i will.

It didnt take a short time for the weight to go on so it wont be a quick journey off either. We have to retrain ourselves. These things take time but are so god damn worth it in the end. Keep trooping, even sticking to the diet 3 quarters of the time is big help. Youll see. Chin up and big smies :)
Well i never did start again diet wise and my shiny new smoothie maker is still shiny and new sitting in my kitchen. So tomorrow i'm back on it but not wholly slimfast (please don't make me leave) I'm going to have the shakes in the morning and have a little lunch rather then a second shake. Tracking my calories on myfitnesspal and aiming to have no more then 1700 a day but if i go over i'm not going to beat myself up.
I mentioned on the main bored about the gym and i'm still undecided about joining, i'm so much bigger now then when i was last at a gym and i wouldn't have hubbs support, i'm so indecisive!!!
dont let your size stop you going to the gym, most people will think you are amazing for going anyway. thats what gyms are for arent they, to help you! If you get negative people then just remember that you are doing this for yourself, and no1 else! xx
well i'm officially bailing :wave_cry: hubby is getting sicker and money is stupidly tight and in all honesty dieting just doesn't seem all that important at the moment. I'm going to attempt sw because i know it well enough not to think about it too much and i can comfort eat, which i'm doing alot of at the moment. I'll be back in a few months, i love the shakes and know i could do it when i don't have so much to worry about. Thanks for your support and good luck to you all x x
aw sorry to hear that nicki hun, i know what you mean about other things being more important, i feel like that too but its good things being more important for me, but im sending u big hugs and i'll chat to u on facebook :D xx