Nicola's cruise phase to shift the flab

18th Nov

PP day and at work ....still loving the diet never felt so motivated ...3 weeks tomorrow till my Xmas do hopefull I'll be able to fit in a nice new slinky party dress ..fingers crossed ;)

B- gallete

L- chicken & boiled egg
Total o%
T- turkey steak
Sweetened quark
S- skimmed milk in coffee
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19th Nov

Another pp day today today coz I want some veg tomorrow with my Sunday roast x

B- Dukan bread & boiled egg

L- salmon
Total 0%
T- steak
Total 0%
S- skimmed milk in coffee
20th Nov

Seem to be really hungry at the moment :(:( but trying my hardest not to give in to the kids goodies and the bread !!!! Got to remember how much better I feel x also been eating loads if sugar free gum as paranoid but gonna have to cut this back I think

B- gallette

L- reduced salt bacon medallions &
scrambled egg (probably too much)
Total 0%
T- chicken
Total 0%
S- skimmed milk
Couple of spoons of cottage cheese
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Diaries look great! I'm sure that the hungry phase will pass and that everything will be ok :) chin up and if you need to rely on sugar free gum then it's better than other stuff!!!

Hiya missed you lol x

Thanks hun I'm really determined to do this x
21st Nov


Not properly decided yet got my youngest off I'll from school so my plans have gone out of the window slightly thinking of doing a savoury galette (my first) for lunch with chicken & prawns x

B- kippers

L- prawns & a chicken & cottage cheese
Total 0%
T- 2 chicken breasts (ended up with 3 !!!)
Sweetened quark
S- skimmed milk in coffee
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Missed you too! Glad to be back!!! :)

Im glad you're so determined- and you will do this :)

Thanks ruth on other diets I would have cheated by now but don't want to undo all my hardwork of getting rid of the carb cravings which are a killer x
Well I'm afraid yesterday night was a big fat fail .....damn the days before TOTM .....back on it this morning with a couple of pp days x

So fed up I've let myself down after 18 days arghhhhh
Don't be down. 18 days is certainly not a failure- u seem to be doing amazingly well... I know it's a cliche but with dieting it's whether u pick yourself up again and keep going which is the important bit - it's when u stop completely and go back to your old habits which does the damage!
Whitey27 said:
Don't be down. 18 days is certainly not a failure- u seem to be doing amazingly well... I know it's a cliche but with dieting it's whether u pick yourself up again and keep going which is the important bit - it's when u stop completely and go back to your old habits which does the damage!

Thanks for that whitey your right and I'm not going back to the old ways stomach is telling me this morning that carbs don't agree with me ....xx will pick myself up and dust myself off thanks again xxx
22nd Nov

Few pp days coz of yesterday's stupidity x

B/L - I/2 roast chicken
Total 0%
T- 1/2 roast chicken
Total 0%
S- skimmed milk in coffee
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23rd Nov

My scales are up 2 after my stupidity on Monday night arggghhhh that'll teach me anyway another pp day for me x

B- scrambled eggs & prawns

L- prawns

T- chicken
Total 0%
S- skimmed milk in coffee
Gallette for supper
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It will be gone in no time dont worry!
Head up and stay strong!!!

Thanks ruth just a bit annoyed with myself but hey ho xxx

Have a great day xx
Just put it behind you and move on & down ;)
Thanks Ellie I'm trying.....back on it suppose that's all that matters xx have you ever had a blip ??? I was feeling So strong and good don't know what came over me x
I haven't had a blip yet but I'm sure it will come. Going to a friend for the weekend and we are off out Saturday so will probably happen then lol
Ellie that's great xxxx funny it just came over me to eat the malt loaf hadn't wanted it before and not wanted it since ...hopefully that's my blip done and dusted although it is my Xmas do 2 weeks on sat ...will do good foodwise i know but the drink might be another matter but I'll be good till then x have a great time at weekend x