Gold Member
Hey lovely, hope you get good job news soon. Meals yesterday looked delish!xx
Thanks hun!
I love my scales this morning, 10st 11.75lbs!
Hey lovely, hope you get good job news soon. Meals yesterday looked delish!xx
Amazing news on the scales!! Top up that wine with plenty of soda water and the scales will be your pal(as long as you don't end up drinking twice as much!!)
What channel is the biggest loser on? I think I need to get involved! x
I think it was from a medium Domino's pizza, and I had a slice that was no more than 2 inches across at the widest part... was going on the logic that a whole pizza is somewhere near 50/60 syns so a slice that's less than 1/12 should be around 5? Or reckon I'm totally underestimating it?? x
Hope you're having a lovely weekend. I was very happy to see kelloggs all bran special varieties on offer! £2 in morrisons. So I'm trying the golden crunch one in morning =D
Ouch!! Yeah see if swelling goes down, if it doesn't it very well could be a break! :O blimey...dangerous toilets!![]()
You poor thing! At least the absinthe must have take some of the pain away!xx
Sounds like a fun weekend, food and drinks wise! I hope your finger is ok!xxx
The alcohol definitely took away some of the pain, although I do still remember squealing when it happened! It's much better today so don't think it can be broken after all - a bit painful when driving and having to hold the gear stick, but otherwise not too bad, reckon it's just badly bruised
Today has been hard!! I've been hungry all day and have been craving rubbish so badly - ended up giving in the afternoon, doh! Meals were all good, but chocolate/sweet additions rather bad.
Breakfast: Yogurt, Banana
Snacks: Ryvita Minis (HEB)
Lunch: Sushi (3), Apple
Snacks: Satsumas, 2 Celebrations (5)
Dinner: Ham, Cheese (HEA) & Tomato Pasta
Snacks: Hot Choc (2), Mini Curly Wurly (3), 4 Pink n Whites (10), handful of chocolate chips (5)
Summary: 1 x HEA, 1 x HEB, 28 Syns
Fresh start again tomorrow, getting an early night now before I eat anything else!! x
What you 'gave in to' wasn't all that bad! Just think it could have been a lot worse so don't worry too much!I almost had the same episode myself tonight but I quickly grabbed two mullerlights instead!
Hey Nic, I hope you hand is feeling better.. sounds like a dangerous trip to the toilet! Just something I noticed about today's diary, do you usually eat much meat? Because I can usually fill up quite nicely on chicken (or fish) and it helps to keep me going throughout the rest of the day. I have also been making homemade soup to snack on which is nicely filling (and also keeps your superfree topped up) or failing all of that I swop from ee to a red or green day and have 2 extra healthy extras
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Well done you! I tried with the hot choc but it just wasn't enough!
Hey mrs, thanks for the suggestions! I'm not much of a meat eater (and since the cholesterol test am trying to cut down even further), but agree I do feel fuller for longer when I have protein in a meal, and I do snack on ham sometimes when on EE days. I wasn't remotely hungry last night before all the sweet stuff, was just cravings! Am feeling run down (sore throat has come out this morning...) so think my body was just craving something for energy and I gave into the wrong things! Was in bed for 8.30pm
PS. 11st 1lbs on the scales this morning, looks like I'm on for a 1lb gain![]()