Nic's EE food diary. Feel free to join and share your food diaries :)

Right ladies!! This is it... I have just had a stroll into town to sign up with the dentist and also do a little food shop for tonight, and I have come to realise that this weather is just not inspiring me to get up and run around my local field (alone) and so I have decided to bite the bullet and sign up with a gym near my uni and near work!! £42 a month for everything!! I cannot turn away from that as I can see there could be a lot of motivation there-especially the social side too. :D so that is my good deed for the day DONE!!


We done :) I reckon you'll enjoy it. When is your induction? xx.
We done :) I reckon you'll enjoy it. When is your induction? xx.

Thanks :) I decided to start 1st of October so that gives me a week or so to get my head straight. . Also my bf wants to join another gym that is in the chain so we can play sports together as we really enjoyed it whilst we were away-albeit he didn't realise how competitive I was though! ! ;) xxx

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Carrot and coriander soup for lunch - homemade! Yum!!!!

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I feel like I need a massive kick up the bum tonight... Feeling a bit low and wondering if I am going to be able to get back onto the wagon ready for Monday (yet secretly hoping that I can shift another pound by then. .-but am not on plan 100%.. figure that logic out :/) have eaten well at meal times but have been snacking on silly things in between. . Am tempted to bring my gym induction forward to next week but am also aware that I am starting back at uni and also planning on starting an evening jewellery course on tuesdays AND starting my new job on Tuesday! (Yep just saying it out loud has confirmed that I do not think I can fit anything new in next week!!) So I shall be starting the gym a week on Tuesday and shall try my hardest to at least get back into my daily walking... I did go on a long walk today with my aunt on the hunt for sloe and blackberries :D.


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Morning all :)

Well the scales reading 11.2 this morning has given me a bit of a motivational boost this morning :D so that means a 2 pound gain from my holiday (weighed in at 11.0.2 the day before I left) so am confident that i can shift the last bit of holiday gain if the other 3 pounds have fallen away this week, even though I haven't been completely on track.. I read something though that made me look at my weight slightly differently. . Someone wrote an article and they were a similar weight to me when we both started, and she wrote "I was tired of being nearly 12 stone" now ive never thought of it like that and the 12 stone mark really worried me. I want to be in a mindset where 11 stone worries me!! I am going to work bloody hard to prove to myself that I can do this.

Heres to a good day and a good weekend to all!!


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Look what arrived from amazon this morning!!! So excited to plan my winter menus now :D xxx
Subscribing to your thread!
Well done on only gaining 3lb on all inclusive, I gained 7-8lbs after my week's all inclusive back in august, hence my joining class on Monday as couldn't kick start myself to start again at home!
Subscribing to your thread!
Well done on only gaining 3lb on all inclusive, I gained 7-8lbs after my week's all inclusive back in august, hence my joining class on Monday as couldn't kick start myself to start again at home!

Thanks :D! I am glad I didn't do too much damage. . I thought it would be around 7 pounds to be honest! ! How much do you have to lose? I am glad I am feeling like I am back on the wagon now after nearly a week back.. its been a tough transition. Xx

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Just spotted your thread and am subscribing, some of your recipes look good I have quite a bit to lose but am determined this time..

a x
just a quickie.. can you save your syns for the weekend, other diets I've been on allow so many points that you can have at any time?

a x
Just spotted your thread and am subscribing, some of your recipes look good I have quite a bit to lose but am determined this time..

a x

Hey :) thanks for joining! You have joined at a great time :D I have just got 4 new recipe books this week and they are all looking great! Cannot wait to try them all out and I shall be passing on recipes along with pics as well :)

just a quickie.. can you save your syns for the weekend, other diets I've been on allow so many points that you can have at any time?

a x

Yes indeed you can! Daily syns are capped at 15 but alot of people (myself included) use flexi syns so that you can still enjoy treats and not feel deprived! So my diary usually says e.g 35/105 -so if I have had a treat day (using 35 syns in one day, then I have 70 syns for the rest of the week) if that makes sense?

How much do you have to lose? I am aiming for a stone by Christmas :)


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Thanks :D! I am glad I didn't do too much damage. . I thought it would be around 7 pounds to be honest! ! How much do you have to lose? I am glad I am feeling like I am back on the wagon now after nearly a week back.. its been a tough transition. Xx Sent from my GT-I9300 using mobile app

Hi! I have 3st 4.5lbs til I'm at my goal weight! But I'll get there!
I have about about 3stone to get to the correct weight of 10-10 but i'd be happy at 11st 4 which i got to last time x
I'm thinking of writing it all down like you lot it makes it that you can't cheat well you could but you'd only cheat yourself wouldn't you? and I'll do the syns thing cos some weekends I like a wine or two or three is it right that there are 24 in a bottle of Rose?

I'm thinking of writing it all down like you lot it makes it that you can't cheat well you could but you'd only cheat yourself wouldn't you? and I'll do the syns thing cos some weekends I like a wine or two or three is it right that there are 24 in a bottle of Rose? Anne

It's 27 for a 75cl bottle as far as I can see!
So diary for today- last day before officially back on the sw wagon!

Sunday 22nd September

B: branflakes (heb) and a breakfast smoothie (frozen berries, yogurt 2 syns and some milk- this should be synned as it is blitzed but i am being naughty and do not usually syn them ;/) 2 x coffees (hea)

L: massive roast pork dinner loads of veg and a few roasties. Fruit crumble with some cheeky custard..

D: not sure if there will be much on the cards here really after my big lunch :D

Water: 2 litres

Happy Sunday all :) Xx

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Food sounds lush lol - the SW wagon will be waiting tomorrow you can do it x

It is ;) its a nice interim to be in between holiday mode and back on the wagon! I am back into uni/work mode from tomorrow so it is going to help alot!!

Thanks :) hope your having a great week! Xx

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