Hi Niki - you're absolutely right, everyone has an opinion. But only you live in your body, so finally, only your opinion counts.

Course, that of your partner probably counts as well. Other people's opinions is one of the reason so many people do this diet and only tell a small circle of people. You can get quite emotional sometimes on CD and if someone happens to shoot off their mouth at the wrong moment, it can lead a bad time.
CD says that if you stick to 100% ss you can lose up to 14lb (1st) per month. My average loss was 10lb per month (50lbs over a 5 month period) - that included a blowout ski week, a couple of other weeks where I was travelling and had a meal out every day (very careful about eating only protein and veg/salads) and a bit of nibbling here and there (celery, peanut butter, raw almonds). I did turn down lunch/dinner invites and, when I absolutely had to go, ate fish and veg, left everything else. No alcohol.
As you say, everyone is different, but for sure you will lose a lot of weight more rapidly on CD than, in my experience, just about any other diet.
Meanwhile ... I torture myself by watching cooking programs.