I'm half a stone over the heaviest weight accorfing to pregnancy calculator x
I think im 9lb over where i should be. The thing is know if i got straight on plan i woukd have a good loss but with work and easter i think the diet will start a week today!
I didnt even manage a day! The problem is that at work im literally sat doing nothing because the girll who is taking my job is doing my job so im just sat eating and waiting for thursday so i can finish! Then when i finish ill be at home and can cook sw meals and go on the wii fit! Nees to not gain more than 2.5lb in the next 9 weeks!!
cud either of u tell me how 2 access this pregnancy calculator yer talkin bout pls? I'd b REALLY interested 2 how I compare 2 the "norm"! lol!![]()
Well so far I'v managed 2 b 100% since Sun but I's sure I'm startin 2 hear the dark choc digestives in the biscuit tub callin my name n sayin "EAT ME!" Lol!![]()
Well according 2 the calculator I found I shud b within 7.3-12.3lb gain n as of my last WI (last Thurs) I'v gained 7lb. I feel heaps better now even tho I was totally freakin out last week after WI!!!! I'm still gona try 2 b 100% tho cos I really do wana keep my gain 2 a minimum!!
I'm 7lbs over now what I should be at 40 weeks lol. X
Hi ladies what's tricks?? X
Spent all day yesterday painting babies room and going ro do another coat today!
Really not looking forward to tomorrows weigh in but after monday ill be being much healthier and exercising so hope to lose a few pounds! Xx
How was your last day at work Nikki? I bet you must be so happy now your off xx
It was quite boring to be honest but now im off its like a whole weight has been lifted. No moee stress or worryxx
How many weeks are you now nikki? I'm 36+2 and going craaaaaaaaaaaazy!!!! X
Im 31+5 and getting such nasty braxton hicks they make me feel sick! X