nn89- slimming world to weight watchers diary!

u can have a chocolate sponge if its with in your points. and its weird being able to have treats on a diet but aslong as u stick to your points u will lose weight, if ur worried bank 4 everyday or do kick start (over 14 stone 22 pts for a week, under 14 stone 18 points for a week)
I just don't have much money for fruit or veg that much, i only have bananas in the house lol I CAN have the sponge..but..I feel like i shouldn't! I'm really getting pessimistic about this diet day by day...it just doesn't feel like it should work lol

I was going to try KS, but it was tough saving 4 points everyday! I may try it over the weekend maybe
**** it- im going to have that chocolate sponge, and thats it- and then try kickstart saturday-tuesday, i think im retaining water a bit too, not drinking a lot, and having a few readymeals this week probably havn't helped!
yeah drink alot. i drink looooooooooooads of squash im peeing like seabiscuit lol but it stops water rentention
Uh oh..had a baaaad day today, it's the weekend!!!

I went to bed last night at around, 3am? And had 2 of the weight watchers caramel shortcakes as i was a bit peckish before bed, i'm not pointing them though, they were 5 points in total..i culd take off 2.5 today and 2.5 tomorrow?! I dunno..

Anyway today i woke up at the reasonable time of 11am

didn't eat 'breakfast' or what im now considering lunch lol till 12pm!

Breakfast/Lunch: Weightwatchers lemon rissotto, with 2 caramel shortcakes and a packet of mini hoops = 11.5

Snack: Muller light

...any ideas for dinner? I have around 8 points left!
i just had a tuna baguette and feel like im going to explode...
Stir fry??? I just had a massive plate full and it was only 5.5 points and I am stuffed! I love feeling so full on so few points lol xxx

I need stir fry veg and im not shopping till tomorrow! Im making some pasta with the WW pasta sauce and a tin of tuna in it too- should fill me up!
hi there NN89

i think it would be a good idea to look at all the free foods on ww and see everything that you enjoy eating and maximise them to the full. ive only been on ww three weeks but im starting to make my own unique ww diet to suit me so im sure youll get settled once youre a little further into it. Not sure about anyone else but ive found that a boiled or poached egg is great for brekky at just one point, which is less then having an extra piece of toast for example! Also have been going to asda and m n s to get freshly prepared ready meals ... just remembered by calculator so i could decide which meals were better for me!

so youre making a good start just keep at it :) also try to vary what youre having and make it interesting -- hoep this helps!
Great advice Ms brightside, but I just wanted to say an average chickens egg is 1.5points.

And Hun so long as you stay within your points you will lose weight. Just make sure you don't forget to count anything.
Goodluck Hun!!!
Hi guys, i learnt a valuable lesson last night- SAVE YOUR POINTS!

I had had the majority of my points by 4pm, had a nice bowl of pasta, pasta sauce, veg and 25g of cheese..and realised how hungry i was by 10pm...and binged on a WW ready meal and little pudding- i was STARVING! It was 7 points in all i had, i feel guilty, but also i think ive learnt a very good lesson on this diet. I'm drawing a line under it, and not counting it, but starting afresh today- by eating free foods, which are filling, and drinking looads

I'm going out later, so i'm going to s-t-r-e-t-c-h my points!

I'm having a porridge for breakfast and muller light, with a banana mid-morning and some jelly..

Lunch I'm thinking maybe a jacket potato and cottage cheese..

which should leave me with around 10 used- and 16.5 for the evening to play about with. I'm going to a carvery so i can stock my plate up with veg and even have a few glasses of wine and share half a dessert...so fingers crossed my first meal out goes ok

I MAY even venture to the gym to get some spare activity points!
Well atleast you learned something. I stick to my no eating after 6:30 rule and it seems to work for me. if i do eat after 6:30 i stop by about 9 because after that i think "if im hungry, i'll just go to sleep so i not longer crave food"
YAY i've survived my first meal out on WW! Went to toby carvery, stocked up on a lot of veg, had my eat out guide on me, drank only 2 diet coke and vodkas, and went halfs on a dessert- was fab, i ate good food, and didn't feel i was depriving myself! AND I have 1.5points still left over!!

That's great Hun!!!!
I eat out all the time. I try and go for either local Restaraunts with Carvery's or just go to my local 'Toby Carvery' cos you can choose wisely and point your meal easily. I enjoy my meals much more nowadays! And I'm more than happy to just have a couple of mouthfuls of dessert! Tho I don't think the boyf is impressed! lol

About spreading your points out... I eat far more during the evenings, so I always try and save alot of points for my dinner and the evening. If not I end up bingeing. I think alot of this is trial and error. It sounds like you're doing well and you're learning how to make WW work for you. I really hope you get a good loss this week to spur you on!
i try and go to restaurants that r in the book. although they took out wagamammas in the 2009 book, what was with that?!?!?!?!
I know ive not updated food diary yet- will do tomorrow, however..this week i've lost...

drumroll please

:wow: Well done you!! Thats fantastic
Hi guys, firstly MASSIVE apology for not updating! My starting weight was 16st 10.5lbs, and 3 weeks on I'm now 16st 4 lbs! Thats a 6.5lb loss in 3 weeks!!!

Yesterday was my "day off" I had a day to enjoy myself, and thought it's atleast reparable by doing it at the start of my week lol

So this is todays food diary for the 4/3/10

30 g of cheerios - 1.5
skimmed milk, 1/2 pint: 1
Banana: 1.5
Options mint: 0.5
Total: 4.5

John west tuna light lunch - 3
Diet redbull - 0
Nestle milkybar 25g - 3
Total: 6

2 slices of WW bread- 1
Nutella- 2.5
Total: 3.5

WWFH ready meal lasage - 5
Potato (chopped, fry lighted and made into 'chips') - 2
Salad - 0
2 glasses of wine - 4
Total: 11

Daily total: 25/26 points
You're doing so well! It is so tough eating well on a budget. I am a single parent, so I can tell you, I know about that! My only advice would be veg is cheap!!! Fruit and salad can really add up. And I know if I buy fruitm they kids have gone through it like tazmanian devils. You can also get cheaper veg at the end of market day. Boil it up for soup. I have a really cheap, filling, nutritious, and FREE soup on the hob now. Butternut squash, swede, broccoli and sprouts, all cheap as going out of date. I just put in stock and whizz with the hand blender. I cana ttack this when hungry. It really fills. I'm allowed 18 points a day, and couldn;t do it without free foods. There are plenty of lovely free soups, stirfries and curries. Sugar free jelly also helps.

I a, the same as you and come over from SW. I've done nearly 2 weeks, and I daren't weigh myself. I am terrified that I may not ahve lost weight, and then that will be it. I am chicken.
