No Added Sugar 'Sparkling Bitter St Clements' from Sainsburys


I bought a lovely drink from Sainsbury for over Xmas, and only just noticed that it's a No Added Sugar one. I'm sure it must have syns in (too nice to be syn free, surely) but thought I'd ask if anyone knows if this is the case. and how many syns.

Values per 100g are...
Energy 38 kj / 9 kcal
Fat < 0.5g
Sugars 1.3g

Any help on this would be much appreciated, as I'm trying to get back in the swing of things after Xmas and a long break from the SW plan.
Well worth half a syn.
Went to buy some but they're all sold out at the moment - hopefully they'll restock after Xmas / New Year. I did the thing where you stand staring forlornly at the shelf in the hope that some will appear - didn't work though. Lol.