I think I got my mojo back!

Finally tonight got my 5st award, and its looking like I might get the 5.5st award for christmas. I can't believe how well its going just now, I feel fantastic. Unfortunately our consultant broke the news tonight that she's leaving, and we will be getting a new consultant just after the new year (who I assume will be lovely, it just wont be the same), on the same week that will mark my 1 year slimming world birthday. Wouldn't it be fantastic if I could round out her last night with our group and my 1 year anniversary with my 6 stone award? 2lb a week would do it, so I think I'm gonna aim for it, and if I get there, fantastic, if not, well, I tried, and I will still credit her with being the main reason I have lost so much this time around.
I'm starting to realise this has become less of a food diary and more of a (mostly) slimming world related rambling diary of thoughts. My food diary would be pretty boring reading these days anyway, as breakfast is usually either weetabix with fruit and sweetener, scrambled eggs (with or without bacon) and side salad, or an omelette, lunch is usually a sandwich bar salad, and dinner is from a rotating menu of slimming world online recipes depending on whether i've bothered my backside to go shopping or not

Gonna try a recipe I found on a slow cooker group tomorrow though for Chicken Dopiaza which I'm really looking forward to. I will post a pic of how it goes tomorrow if I remember.