You really are amazing Summer. I'm inclined to think that Friday could be just what your metabolism needs to give it a boost. I'm working on the same theory from this weekend but doubt it will happen lol. Regardless of that we will finish this few weeks and get back to living a normal life again. I'm just hoping I'm at least a stone lighter by then. After all I have a very small size 14 wedding dress to fit into lol. ;-)
P.S. Loving the new pic on fb.
I don't think I am amazing lol! Just a stubborn old c!w
You are right though, we will get this done and there is NO reason we can't lose a stone in that time!
Erm..Wedding? Have I missed something...?
You're doing so well to stick with TS even when the losses haven't been good the last couple of weeks. I hope, as others have said, that Friday has been a kick to your metabolism, and hopefully when you get through the next 2 weeks, you'll have a fab result. I'm really impressed that you can wait 2 weeks... I'm such a serial scale hopper. Coming home today, after being away a few days, I was desperate to know what the scales said! Daft really, as my weigh-in time is always in the morning, so I still don't really know how I compare.
Anyway, hope you have a great week
Oh Thank you Cybil xxx Your encouragement and support is soooo greatly received! I have though given up on staying off the scales lol! More about that further down lol
I also occasionally have a bad week, or even two, where I follow the plan 100% (okay maybe not drinking quite enough water), and I lose very little, but then I end up having a good following week. I look at my weight loss over the month, and I am always down a reasonable amount. I have had to stop myself from weighing myself on my wii fit every day because it could be too disheartening when I suddenly went up a 1lb or so after being perfect. I realise now that daily fluctuations can really throw me off course.
Hang in there SummerRain, you will be rewarded.
Thank you so much for taking the time to write some support xx I did tell myself the "Over the month" thing...but it worked out about 7lb for March or something?! That was really getting me down and I was starting to wondering if I was eating to little by having just the exante packs. How are you getting on Julie? You went on holiday didn't you? Did you ease back in ok?
Ok so this 2 week not weighing thing?
That lasted a day hahaha!
I jumped on this morning and I was 12st 7lbs?! A loss of 4lb from last Thursday. I will wait to see what it is officially tomorrow before I record it.
Apart from my AAMW I was 100 % TS. To the letter. I cannot stress that enough. Oh apart from one day I had a boiled egg. Friday evening was the first time since the 3rd Feb that I "came off plan"... I had a light carby meal to take me out of ketosis in the afternoon. I had about 4 glasses of wine when I was out and at the meal I ate "around" the obvious carbs. I ignored potatoes etc....
Saturday I also allowed myself my 3 packs and a 400cal meal (hangover
Sunday I was straight back on plan as normal, yet had a boiled egg and some broccoli.
Monday, I had 3 packs, a can of tuna and some salad.
Tues, I had 3 packs, a pork loin steak and some broccoli.
Weds I jump on the scales and the weight is falling off me.
When I was just 3 packs a day, I was fighting for EVERY lb. On AAMW and this week, I have a great loss.
I think for me, 600 cals is not enough for my metabolism maybe? I am confused by it. I would be happy to lose 2-3lb a week so I am not asking for the world lol
I think I am going to go how I am for now..until things change again...and see what I can do to chop it again if that happens.