Good evening all,
Down 1.25lb this week, most of my easter gain is gone. I was a ball if energy this morning. I had the washing machine and dishwasher on, beds stripped and half the floors hoovered by 8 30am.i was flying it. Had the weeks dinners cooked, kitchen tidied, floors finished, beds dressed and shower taken by 12 noon

wonder woman
Today was treat day, i didn't go overboard. Shared a small easter egg with himself, 12syns, chilli crackers, 7 syns, choclate biscuits,I have no idea of the syns but id guess a lot.
Today's dinner was porksteak, potato stuffing, roast carrot, courgette and potatoes. I enjoyed it. I had fruit while i was doing my wonder woman impression and running around the house. It was lovely to sit down and reap the rewards of the morning cleaning.

Tomorrow im back to work. Dinner is the same as today. I have roast chicken for Wednesday and tagliatelle for Thursday and Friday.
I i have chicken and meatballs for the men for the week.
Im hoping to hit single figures in the pounds this week so that's my mini milestone fir next Monday