Yeh becky ive ben t my mums weddin but thats it i want more ppl t get marriex!!
Ok gggrrrr so not a good day our electrics blew and our teles stopped workin as has our cooker can u believe it not one thing both things really not happy!!! Were goin t lend a tele off mum but a cooker we need t buy!
So now offically broke im.hopin someone will knock at my door and give me a couple grand.....
I wont b goin t SW now until after xmas coz we will literally have shoppin money thats it :-(
On the 8th january i am.joinin a sw class with a lass behind me and i have asked for money for xmas so goin t pay for so many months up front with it so.its done, im actually lookin forward t this as i will b joinin with someone again which will b a help for me
Im jus goin t try my best on my own until we join then! I cried earlier to one of lucas's friends mum i jus broke dwn i feel like our life is never plain sailin we start gettin money in order and stuff happens!
Carl will buy a tv with his xmas n.bday money i said i feel selfish payin for SW out of mine but carl turned round n said its what makes me happy so he wants me to do it and says that he knows how much it means t me n feels rubbish im.havin t not go until then but like i explained he brings the money into this house i.dnt claim any kind of benifits so what he brings in is what we have and even though im disappointed i cnt go!! Im more angru coz it seems we will prob means need house rewiring.coz the elextrics go ALL the time!!
So even.tho i still feel selfish i no that he is ok with me rejoinon SW in January with Leanne!! Until.then not givin up jus goin it alone which im soooo scared about
Food today
Sw quiche...... Havent really eaten not hungry now!!! This mornin i was too hungover and now jus not in.the mood might make some sw chips later with sum cheese
I jus seem t b rantin / moanin lately

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