Serves me right for trying to weigh in a day early!! My electronic scales are bust. Thought it was the battery but its still being funny after I changed the battery!!! So I have dug out my old mechanical ones and wait for this.............they had me at 10st 12!!!!!!! 8-O
There is no flamming way Ive lost half a stone in a week (unless its all water!) so I am putting the difference down to the change in scales. I wont be having any mid week way ins on these ones tho cos they are so erratic it will make me depressed.
Im having a really lazy weekend. I didnt do much yesterday - long lie in, bit of telly, did a long walk with the OH (3.5 miles!), went looking for a bike for him and some other bits of shopping and just chilled out with a dvd. Im feeling like more of the same today. Im wanting to give the house a good scrub and then crack on with an exercise dvd. Footballs on this afternoon and then if its still nice we might do another walk.
Ive been thinking about maybe joining a gym. Cos of changes to my job I have a lot more time to myself in the week while everyone else I know is in work

so I thought it would be a constructive way of getting me out the house more. There is a fancy hotel and a council leisure centre near ours that both do no contract pay monthly for about £30 so I might have a look at them on my day off tomorrow. I do like the idea of going back to a gym and starting running again like I did a few years ago. I was actually bigger then than I am now, but I was a lot fitter! Its just after running for an hour I would then have loads of sweets and takeaways, but would wonder why I didnt lose weight?! The things we do!!
Im also pleased with my whole attitude towards the gym that its to get me fitter and out of the house rather than to lose so much weight by a certain date. I thought about it last night that Ive had two months of eating what I want when I want (three choccie bars a day and takeout every weekend) and no exercise to get me to this state. So I know that its gonner take at least two months of eating healthy and exercising to get me back to where I was after xmas. I like this attitude!!!
Must go and do the house work now I guess