Should have been my due date today. I want the world to know how sad I am so no one forgets my baby but at the same time I feel stupid for being this sad about something that was barely there, and was only alive 8 weeks.. Like how can I get this sad over a small blog of cells with little arms and legs and a heart that wasn't beating. I wonder how long her little heart actually beat for before it stopped. I feel like a bad mother that I couldn't protect my child, couldn't keep her alive.
I'm scared I'll never be pregnant again but at the same time I'm scared of trying.. Trying for 4 years nearly destroyed our marriage and it took its toll on me, I feel like I am me again now we are not actively trying ( doesn't stop me hoping and praying each month that my period doesn't come or staring so hard at the pee stick I convince myself I can see two lines)
I don't know what to do with myself right now, at this moment. Hubby is asleep and I am downstairs, staring into space, with silent tears rolling down my cheeks. Checked Facebook and my friends baby was born today, and I don't want to feel like this but I'm so jealous, why not me? Why did all my friends get pregnant and their babies survived? I have been trying so much longer why not me?
And the worse part is there are no answers to these questions, I can't blame anyone, I don't have a direction to blow this bitterness so it gets vented at all pregnant women, at all parents who have children but don't realise how lucky they are.
None of this is fair. I just have to accept, and move forward one day at a time, without my baby. But it's so so hard not to imagine, what if I was in labour right now? Or be angry at the things I am doing in reality (like working and preparing for our event tomorrow) because I should be having my baby, she should have survived, it's our turn.
I'm hindsight I wish we had given ourselves time off this week to grieve, but instead I planned an event, and packed my diary, I feel guilty for that too, like I should have marked the occasion. Spoke to hubby tonight and he hasn't even bought me a bunch of flowers, neither of us has done anything. I feel like we should.
I don't know what to do with myself.